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Node-Red - smb-Node (SAMBA-Protocol) logon error

Node-Red - smb-Node (SAMBA-Protocol) logon error

Long-established Member

Hello everyone,

does anyone has experience with the smb-node in Node Red?

The node is intuitive to configure but somehow I recive all the time the same error message.

I want to write a file of the ctrlx to a fileserver from our company. Therfore I only need the Domain, Share, User Name and passwort. When I test the User on the Windows Explorer I can login and see the path.

In Node Red I recive the following error message:


Thank you in advance.




Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Does your ctrlX CORE have a connection to your company network? Is some further security measurements of your company network?

Long-established Member

Hello @CodeShepherd ,
yes it has a connection to our company network. But all the firewall and security policies are clearified. 
The SMB-Node sends to less Data. 
As you can see in the following screenshot, the user arrives but no Domain and no Host


When I test this path with the same user from my windows server, all the data arrived correctly. 



Are there any news? Could you solve your issue?

Long-established Member

No unfortunately not. It seems that we have to programm a new node or wait for an update which sends the domain and the host correctly. 
