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Modbus TCP write fails after an uncertain time

Modbus TCP write fails after an uncertain time

New Poster


I am using the ctrlX Core as Modbus Client. Writing and Reading from the Modbus server does generally work, so i guess the configuration is correct. After an uncertain period of time (a few minutes up to about a hour) fails the writing operation. 


The write access is done with the PLC function block IL_ModBusTCPWriteMultipleRegisters from library CXA_MODBUSTCP version The ErrorIdent could not be found in the documentation and is: Table: CXA_TABLE, Additional1: 16#0A0F1850, Additional2: 16#0C230006

Does anyone have more information about this error code?

Thank You


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

General documentation of the IL_ModbusTCPWriteMultipleRegisters can be found in our online documentation. Could you add a screenshot of the function block including the error and/or share your program code, so we can have a look to it?

Thank you for your reply.

I can only deliver a screenshot of the function block values after it changes into error state. The Error does not match any of the listed error codes for the IL_ModbusTCPWriteMultipleRegisters function block.


It is also imaginable that the trigger for the error comes from the Modbus Master (e.g. master is too busy to anwser). To clarify, it would be helpful enough to get the meaning of the error.
