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CtrlX core OPC_UA Server to VH21 Winstudio issues.

CtrlX core OPC_UA Server to VH21 Winstudio issues.

Occasional Contributor

Hello Community,

I am trying to connect VH21 Winstudio to CtrlX core using OPC_UA Server but it requires me to trial and error with many attempts for it to work (changing the OPC_UA Server 'Security' configurations and 'Token' configurations). Sometimes it worked mostly it didnt work.

I am using NONE 'Security' configuration and NONE 'TOKEN 'configuration.

Is anyone else having the same issue?

I am using ctrlX core v1.14, OPC_UA Server v1.14.1 and Indraworks Engineering 15V14 and VH21 CEView v7.4+SP3.

Warmest regards.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Did you already check this post for ctrlX CORE and Winstudio HMI?

There are also some how tos in the "Collection of How-to videos, blogs and examples for ctrlX AUTOMATION".

Occasional Contributor

Hello CodeSheperd,

Thank you for your reply,

I am following this how tos,

I have checked with Peter see attached that windows CE cannot work with the security mechanism of OPC_UA. i have switched off the security mechanism by using NONE 'Security' configuration and NONE 'TOKEN 'configuration.

However when i tried connecting the VH21 to the ctrlX sometime it worked sometime it doesnt work. It requires me to trial and error by removing and adding security mechanism in the ctrlX till it work. 



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Sorry for the late reply. Is this still an issue? Propably we should have a direct look to it then. Please send me a private message with your contact data.

Established Member


I have the same Issue with connection between VH21 and ctrlX. The OPC connection is not working. I deactivated the security in ctrlx, but the same problem. How did you solved the problem?

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

@vlad Please do not post the same question in several forums. Your topic will be followed up via "OPC UA communication issue. ctrlX CORE - WinStudio".
