ctrlX World Partner Apps for ctrlX AUTOMATION
07-25-2023 12:17 PM
We try to connect to a CTRL-X drive type XCS (see picture). We are using a Codesys soft PLC with softmotion on a laptop. Codesys program V3.5 SP19 Patch 1 is used for program. We have connection with the drive in the program. We can read out the servo position.
We get an error on the drive 'F4002: Failure of a consumer conection'. Drive is in operation mode.
How can we get rid of this failure? Master settings are added in the pictures. Drive parameter file in attachment.
08-03-2023 09:39 AM
Have you ever tried the communication over SoE
08-04-2023 12:54 PM
Normally this should work.
Are you really using the right CoDeSys version?
It should be a real time version (RTE).
11-03-2023 02:08 PM
@Wouterva Any news here or can this topic be closed?