Where can I get ctrlX WORKS?
Download of ctrlX WORKS is directly available from the ctrlX Store here. Please check the conditions for downloading software here.
What are the components of ctrlX WORKS installation
Following parts can be installed during the installation.
ctrlX COREvirtual
ctrlX PLC Engineering
ctrlX I/O Engineering
ctrlX DRIVE Engineering (optional with Indradrive Support)
ctrlX SAFETY Engineering
What can I do with ctrlX WORKS
ctrlX WORKS is the basic device management tool. Here you can see all available ctrlX devices on the network.
How can I add Licenses to ctrlX WORKS?
After you have purchased ctrlX PC Licenses they will be delivery digitally to your Licensing Center Account. Licenses must be mapped to your PC in order to function.
Open Settings>Licenses on ctrlX WORKS and register your PC
The Licensing Center will open. To gain access start ADD USER Ticket.
Ur PC's individual UUID will be transferred and you can name and save your device
Map licenses as usual to your device and download the capability response
in ctrlX WORKS upload the License file (capability response) and start using our apps!
What can I do with ctrlX COREvirtual
ctrlX COREvirtual is an optional extension of ctrlX WORKS. It will add an emulation with which you can simulate a ctrlX CORE on the PC. So you can develop / test / configure stuff without a real ctrlX CORE hardware.
What can I do with ctrlX PLC Engineering
ctrlX PLC Engineering is the programming tool for the PLC option of your ctrlX CORE. It's based on the CoDeSys IDE and gives you the possibility to create PLC applications according the IEC 61131-3 standard.
What can I do with ctrlX I/O Engineering
The ctrlX I/O Engineering tool is necessary to configure the Ethercat fieldbus devices which are connected to your ctrlX CORE.
What can I do with ctrlX DRIVE Engineering
With the ctrlX DRIVE Engineering you configure the BoschRexroth ctrlX Drives. With the optional Indradrive extension it's possible to setup the previous drive generation too (kind of IndraWorks Drive replacement.)
Why is my virtual ctrlX CORE booting / reacting so slowly?
The emulation of the virtual control is using the hardware acceleration "Intel® Virtualization Technology." Possible reasons why the virtual control is so slowly can be
You have installed the virtual ctrlX CORE inside a virtual machines (e.g. VirtualBox), where this hardware acceleration is not working.
Your processor is not supporting the "Intel® Virtualization Technology.".
Please refer to following topic: ctrlX CORE virtual is running slowly
What is the reason why I can't connect to my ctrlX CORE / COREvirtual control?
If you use a VPN connection at the same time, the access to the virtual/real control is blocked. You have to deactivate the VPN first and maybe even reboot the PC.
Please refer to following topic: Setting up a ctrlX COREvirtual
Related Links
Documentation ctrlX WORKS
Forum ctrlX WORKS
Store area in the community
ctrlX STORE in the collaboration room
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