I want to automate the testing procedure of a wave energy harvesting system, using a 3-Phase Synchornous PM-Motor from Rexroth, and for that I want to create various motion profiles/control loops/cycles with changing parameters (velocity, position, torque, etc), with diferent durations. My goal is to automate the testing procedure as much as possible (aka click in as few buttons as possible (just in the beginning, then system shall be autonomous)). One possible solution would be to use the drive internal "position set mode". There I can add several movement sets in a table and let them run in a cycle ("8.7.4 Sequential Block Processing"). As I need different motion profiles I could simply create them once in the IndraWorks DS and then export the needed parameter (for quicker loading not use all but create a fitting parameter group) so they can easily be loaded again to the drive. To achieve this goal I want to use the IndraWorks Ds software. I need detailed help, explanations and guidance on how I can do this in IndraWorks Ds. Could any one give some help or hints or even maybe schedule a quick call to help me? Thanks.
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