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Issue with Powering IndraDrive (CSH02) Using CtrlX Motion App via EtherCAT

Issue with Powering IndraDrive (CSH02) Using CtrlX Motion App via EtherCAT


I have successfully established a connection between a CtrlX core and an IndraDrive (CSH02) via EtherCAT. However, I am encountering an issue where I cannot power up the drive using the Motion App. Furthermore, I am able to power up the drive and execute movements through the PLC by changing bits 14 and 15 of S-0-0134. Powering up the drive through the datalayer (motion/axs/Axis_1/cmd/power) resulting the same error as using the motion app.

Could you provide assistance or troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue? Thank you.


New Contributor

from your description it seems, that you have configured the drive control word cyclic to the plc. So you can change bits from plc.
But this means that the plc sends cyclic data to this control word and the motion does not have acces anymore.
You can either use the plc to control the drive, but then you have to do everything by your own or you do not configure the control word cyclic in plc and use instead the motion functions for power and movements. (e.g. from CXA_Motion ML_AxisPower or from CXA_PLCOpen MC_Power)
The first option is for example for users that do not want to use the motion app and  control the drive fully by plc.

Hi, thank you for your reply. May I know how can I stop the plc sending cyclic data to the control word? Thanks

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Simply do not use the cyclic data via the "Realtime Data Layer" in the PLC. You could still access the data acyclic via the CXA_DataLayer library or drive parameter directly via CXA_EthercatMaster.

Despite deleting all instances of the 'Realtime Data Layer' and disabling the corresponding function in the PLC, I continue to encounter the same error. Could there be an aspect I am overlooking?

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Is there already DC bus power available when you try to enable the drive?

Yes, the drive shows ab status.


I have identified that the problem may lie with the EFC in the EtherCAT chain. I am able to run the IndraDrive with the motion app without the EFC connected. However, once the EFC is connected, the motion app fails to command the IndraDrive. The EFC does not play any role in the system except for its connection in the EtherCAT chain.

Could you please advise if there is a way for the EFC to coexist with the IndraDrive while allowing the motion app to exclusively control the IndraDrive and the PLC to control the EFC?

Thank you.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

So the question is how did you do your setup? There is no reason why the EFC should prevent commanding the Indradrive by the ctrlX MOTION. What are the changes between your working and not working setup.

It should look like this:

  • Both devices are configured and connected in the EtherCat
  • One axes is configured in the ctrlX MOTION and connected to the Indradrive via an axisprofile
  • On PLC side:
    • The control word of the Indradrive is not used or updated to prevent double writing of motion and PLC
    • The control word of the EFC is used for direct control