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Axes back to standstill after STO

Axes back to standstill after STO

New Contributor

after pressing the emergency stop the drives go into STO. after STO is lifted what is the correct way to return the axes to ModeAH/AB?

The axes now remain in "DISABLED" after STO. with a relatively simple command such as: arAxisCtrl_GB[AXIS].Admin._OpMode := ModeAH it does not work.

I am looking for a way to do this through my PLC APP.


New Contributor

Does this happen with every STO situation ?

The correct situation : If the ctlX drive is not enabled, you should be able to go to STO and back without any problem. 

The faulty situation : If the drive was enabled and then go to STO would/should trigger an error.   This error muts be released before the PLC motion can go back into AH. Inside the motion function block could be an error triggered which have to be resetted first. ( This can, for example happen after a E-stop when the delay time f is too short, and the STO switch is with the drive still in AH)

Any news from your side AndroidzZ?

the problem arose from a faulty relay. After replacing the relais everything worked as intended.
