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XMS1 with core

XMS1 with core

Occasional Contributor

Hello, I have the drive type: XMS1-W0023AN-S0204N2NNNN0NN

It is currently running firmware version: FWA-XD1-AXS-V-0204N-NN

From the documentation, the only firmware that is compatible with the core functionality is VRS3+ which is not compatible with this hardware verision. Is that correct? Are there any options to upgrade this system to the latest VRS2 firmware and update the core system image or is this not something that can be done? 


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

You can upgrade this XMS1 drive to FWA-XD1-AXS-V-0208N-NN, you may even try FWA-XD1-AXS-V-0210N-NN, but to version 03 due to hardware incompatibility is not possible.
But nevertheless, as the ctrlX CORE is in another drive, this should function as long as you use only normal position control or velocity control mode.

Occasional Contributor

@Drives_Uwe, the core is not on another drive. The core is on the drive. That is my question, is there a version of the core I can flash onto this drive? 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

XMS normally can have no ctrlX CORE. This is limited to the power supply units XVE and XVR. Or the converters XCS or XCD.
But if in your case the ctrlX CORE is really present there is no way to upgrade it except on replacing/upgrading the complete unit.

Occasional Contributor

It is very real and sitting on my desk though it is a very early drive. I guess this one is worthless for me at this point. Thanks. 
