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F4039 Communication return with enable signal set

F4039 Communication return with enable signal set

New Poster

Hello all,

We integreted in the same automatic station 6 motion axis each controlled by the following drive XCS2-W0023ARN-01AETT0NNNN-S0308N4NNNN0NN (profinet protocol).

After couple of months one of the axis stopped working properly  and return with the error code F4039.

I mentioned that the error comes suddenly for 2-3 times per day maybe more .Some time the procedure to start the axis working again is to enable again the drive but sometimes the drive must be switched off and on again.

I attached also a system report and a log file for that drive.

  I will appreciate any sugestion .

Thank you,



Established Member


It seems that the device has an internal defect: In the error log file is a F4036 "Disturbed internal communication with communication module". Please get in contact with the service department or your local sales department and exchange the device.


Hello StefDu,

Thanks for the information. Perhaps it`s an hardware issue.
