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Problems with the parameterization of "Jump"

Problems with the parameterization of "Jump"

New Poster

In a Cartesian project, you can perform linear movements without problems. When I want to use the "Jump" function, it tells me "error 502" and it doesn't continue. I have tried loading values, different criteria, but I still can't get it to work correctly



Hi @ElCazita ,

Could you please provide some more information so I can help you better?

What ctrlX OS and app versions are you using?

How are you executing this motion control? I'm assuming you are using the Rexroth motion app.

Is the error 502 in the diagnostic log? You can enable trace messages to see if there is additional information provided.

Also, a system report would help troubleshoot.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

I assume you are using the ctrlX OS - IDE app with graphical programming? Could you add your project export or at least screenshots of your program?

Hello, thanks you for your early answer! My project is about two axies, where I want to move from point A to point B with a jump funcion in IDE. The version of every app is 1.20 and I am using blocky to coding.


The dimensions of this robot are 1000mm in X and 210mm in Y axis. I can´t find a way to make this funtion works... my first point is (980,95), and the end point is (463,120).


Which error is shown? Its working fine on my side. IDE 1.20.42, Motion 1.20.5

ctrlX web UI - IDE jump and 3d viewerctrlX web UI - IDE jump and 3d viewer

See my project attached.

Thank you very much! I could give one more step but now I have another problem...


Before this try, I was using only 2 values in the array. With 3 its OK


I do not get it. Is now working or not? If not, could add a screenshot of the code or a project export so we can have a look to it?

Please check that the kinematic is correct state for starting a movement (STANDBY), before starting a script that will initiate movements.
