
How to configure adjustable S20 IO peripherie connected by S20-EC-BK using PDI-Write service

Occasional Contributor

Please note that a dialog-based configuration of S20-AI* /AO* and other adjustable periphery is not supported in ctrlX IO Engineering yet. Meanwhile PDI objects provided by the S20-EC-BK cover this service.

The usage of the 'PDI Write Tunnel' is pointed out below ... the attributes channel 1,2,3 input-range is written exemplary. Write service needs to be addapted to the required settings.

Writing single channels
    1. Configure S20-EC-BK and connected IOs in the ctrlX IO Engineering. 
    2. Get familiar with the desired channel setup depending on the the modules connected (S20-Ax-yyy).
      See S20-AI4-U configured below. The setup is represented by object 0x80 - consult the appropreate datasheet(s).
    3. Add a new PDI write tunnel :
      1. Object-index 16#2000 is related to 1st module added to S20-EC-B
      2. Adapt index depending on the module-position
      3. Object-subindex 16#01 commands to write (take care that the subindex of the object does not differ).


    4. Enter the data-stream bytewise in dezimal/hex regarding the adjustments and focus on. (Object 0x80, subindex, xx,  etc. )

    5. Adjust the channels on each module!
      1. Multiple 'Write-services' can be added step by step, like in the picture below.
      2. Or for a S20-AO-4 all 4 channels in one shot with 00, 00, 128, 00, 00, 03, 00, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01
    6. Download/activate the bus configuration will operate the startup-parameters during the next startup phase of communication (switch INIT to OP).Startparameter cover the setup of adjustable IO-peripherieStartparameter cover the setup of adjustable IO-peripheriePDI is depending on ParaTable and parameterization wordPDI is depending on ParaTable and parameterization word
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