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Get ctrlX SAFETY Diagnosis at ctrlX CORE (over EtherCAT)

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This function block reads the diagnostic information from ctrlX SAFETY SAFEX-C.1x and monitors the communication.

If you use a ctrlX SAFETY as an EtherCAT device with ctrlX CORE as EtherCAT master you need the status information from the ctrlX SAFETY. You find this information at the functional Outputs from ctrlX SAFETY as Input for the PLC:

5 Byte Status information of ctrlX SAFETY5 Byte Status information of ctrlX SAFETY

The first 5 Bytes include the Mode, the LiveCounter and the ErrorCode of the ctrlX SAFETY. To make the access to this information easier you can use this function block.

Step 1: Import the atached Functionblock

Import the FunctionblockImport the Functionblock

Step 2: Call an instance of this function block

Call and configure the FunctionblockCall and configure the Functionblock

You need the start address of the functional Outputs as an Input, in this case ADR(%IW40). The function block gives you the Mode as Byte and as Bits the LiveCounter, the CommunicationOK and an ErrorCode.

Mode:                     1=STARTUP; 2=SENDCONFIG; 3=STARTUP BUS; 4=RUN; 5=STOP; 6=ERROR; 7=ALARM; 8=RUN INTERN
LiveCounter:           As long the value counts the communication is OK
CommunicatioOK:  If this Bit is TRUE communication is OK
ErrorCode:              Includes the ErrorCode in case Warning or Alarm is active             


I`m a member of the ctrlX AUTOMATION Community and responsible for Safety Systems and PLC
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