Teaser ctrlX PLC.png

Get Ethercat diagnosis from ctrlX CORE into PLC

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This Functionblock reads the diagnostic information from Ethercat-Master and tried to find out which Ethercat-Device has an error. In case of fixing the Error a automatic change to state OP will be done
The name of the device was written into the variable strSlaveName. If the problem fixed the Ethercat was automatic restarted.

You need for this program the library CXA_ETHERCATMASTER.

Step 1: Import the attached Functionblock 

Import the FunctionblockImport the Functionblock

Step 2: Call the Functionblock 

Call the FunctionblockCall the Functionblock

Because it is just an diagnosis the cycletime of this task can be slow.
In case of an error like break of Ethercat cable, the bit Topology is not OK is comming and the name of Slavedevice which is missing is shown.

Check the functionCheck the function

You find more details how it works in the comments.


I`m a member of the ctrlX AUTOMATION Community and responsible for Safety Systems and PLC
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