ctrlX CORE connection to internet via PC teaser.png

Connect real ctrlX CORE via proxy to the Internet

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This expert guide shows how to configure the ctrlX CORE to connect via a proxy on your PC to the internet. For example installing NodeRed pallets in the ctrlX CORE - Node-RED App.

ctrlX CORE connection to internet via PCctrlX CORE connection to internet via PC

  • The browser on the Windows host PC must have Internet access
  • Px.exe or a similar proxy running on the PC, and allows connections from other interfaces (gateway mode).
    • The older standalone Px.exe will start processes invisible in the background. See task manager if it is running. There will be 2 or 3 instances if everything is correct.
    • !Please be aware that this is an open source tool not provided by Rexroth!https://github.com/genotrance/px/releases (3rd party)
    • Px is only listening on localhost addresses in default settings. In later versions the settings in file  Px.ini can be changed to listen to your specific IP (listen = or all IPs (gateway = 1)

Use cases

The Windows host PC is in same local network as the ctrlX CORE and:

  1. "behind a corporate proxy" which (normally) needs authentication. Address of the corporate proxy server needs to be added to the proxy tool settings.
  2. connected directly to open internet (e.g. home network).
  1. Firewall inbound exception has to be added to "Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security" that allows incoming connections to port 3128.
    Windows firewall settings "Programs and Services"Windows firewall settings "Programs and Services" Windows firewall settings "Protocols and Ports"Windows firewall settings "Protocols and Ports"
  2. Start your proxy tool (e.g. Px)
  3. Log into the ctrlX CORE WebUI and navigate to "Settings --> Proxy ". Add IP address of the Windows network adapter the ctrlX CORE is connected to and save:
    ctrlX CORE WebUI proxy settingsctrlX CORE WebUI proxy settings
  4. Restart of the control is required for settings to take effect

Afterwards you have direct internet access at your ctrlX CORE and e.g. palettes can be installed in the ctrlX Node-RED app.

Test connection
  • In 1.20 a request can be send to a time server via Node-RED
    e.g. an GET to http://time.jsontest.com
    ctrlX CORE Node-RED - check internet connectionctrlX CORE Node-RED - check internet connection
  • From version 2.2 the network settings in the web UI of the ctrlX CORE can be used
    ctrlX CORE web UI - check internet connectionctrlX CORE web UI - check internet connection
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