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Backend Error Adding Alarm SOLVED

Backend Error Adding Alarm SOLVED

I am using the WebIQ designer connected to the CtrlX Core. Whenever I try to add an alarm I get an error that says "Error adding alarm: Backend reported an error while processing API command "alarm.add": shmi:sqlite3pp:constraint:275:constraint failed"

I've tried different properties in the alarm but it always results in this error. Is there a way to fix this?


It looks like the Trigger Item is a required field. Filling this in fixes the issue. Hopefully they will make this alarm more clear to the actual problem in the future.

How would you want to trigger an alarm without specifying an item that triggers the alarm?
Please note the documentation that explains the alarm handling: 

We're working on improving the error messages, so these could definitely be better.

I was just wanting to lay out the alarms for future use once I have the variable in the code to bind them to. I've just made a spreadsheet instead and will fill them in as I go.
