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How to map files under $SNAP_DATA to active configuration

How to map files under $SNAP_DATA to active configuration


Hello Community,

I have created a snap and it contains configuration files, which are saved under $SNAP_DATA. During the runtime, I want to edit the configuration files in order to integrate other components.

By referring few documentation and example codes, I was able to create an empty folder inside the active configuration. But, I do not know how to map the files under $SNAP_DATA to this folder. 

First, is it possible to map the files in this way? If yes, please let me know the steps to perform.

Thank you


Occasional Contributor

CodeShepherd describes in this thread how to copy files to the active configuration using a hook.  See script "connect-plug-active-solution".


Thank you for the response. Actually, what I want to achieve is something different. 

I am following this source  to generate a snap for home assistant.

Under apps, the command bin/hass --config $SNAP_DATA starts the application and generates few configuration files and folders, which will get stored at $SNAP_DATA. The command takes a path as arguement, where there files and folders need to be stored.

I have modified the command to bin/hass --config /var/snap/rexroth-solutions/common/solutions/activeConfiguration/home-assistant/config

At the moment, I am facing the following issue: Fatal Error: Unable to create library directory /var/snap/rexroth-solutions/common/solutions/activeConfiguration/home-assistant/config/deps: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/snap/rexroth-solutions/common/solutions/activeConfiguration/home-assistant/config/deps' 

Steps I have followed so far:

1. Added a shell script, which will create a folder named home-assistant and sub folder named config inside activeConfiguration directory.

2. Added configs folder with package-assets file

3. Added active-solution plugs to snapcraft.yaml

4. Added parts to dump shell script and package-assets

5. Added hooks connect-plug-active-solution

I have attached the complete project as Zip. Please, let me know where I am making mistakes. Any help would be highly appreciable. 

Thanks & Regards



Try to follow this how to step by step:

SDK - Empower your app with Data Persistance


ANd tell me where you got stuck 🙂


Hi Riboni,

The post really helped me.

I made a mistake of not naming the package manifest file same as snapcraft project name. Renaming it, fixed the issue and directory now got the permission to map files.

Thanks & Regards
