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Unstable Connection - Node Red OPC UA Node

Unstable Connection - Node Red OPC UA Node

Long-established Member

Hello everyone,

as you can see in the screenshot, I tested two different OPC UA Nodes (IoT and Standard Node). Both have the same endpoint configuration but the standard OPC UA node sometimes didn´t connect while the IoT Node is connected.


Did somebody have experience with that nodes? 

Thanks you!



Hello @E_Stapel ,

Can you please post the configuration of the OPC UA Client node? Also, what versions of ctrlX OS and Node-RED are you using?

I walk through configuration of these nodes in this video starting at ~9:15.

Long-established Member

Hello @Sgilk ,

I´m using the CtrlX V1.20 and the NodeRed-App with Version 1.20.0+3.0.2-ctrlx.
The configurations should be right because it has already worked and the IoT-OPC-UA-Client-Node has the same Endpoint configuration and is working aswell. The only Problem is that the Standard-OPC-UA-Node sometimes didn´t connect. Here is a Screenshot of the IOT-Node:



And in the following is the configuration of the standard-OPCUA-Node:



Thank you!

@E_Stapel ,

Is the OPC UA server running on the ctrlX CORE? You said you can sometimes connect without error using the current configuration? The connection is just lost sometimes?

Long-established Member

Hello @Sgilk ,

no the OPC UA Server is running externally on a PLC. The Server is stable because the OPC UA Client App is with this server connected aswell as the IoT-OPCUA-Client-Node in Node Red. The only Client which lost the connection sometimes is the standard-OPCUA-Client-Node. 

@E_Stapel ,

I have never seen this problem. As this is a third party node, it may be difficult to provide you a solid answer. The open source code can be found here. Line 408 generates the first message in your debug window. My next suggestion would be to SSH the ctrlX CORE and retrieve the node-red verbose logs. 

If you could provide your server configuration, I could test this on my end.

Long-established Member

Hello @Sgilk ,
it seems, that the problem occured because of too many OPC UA Client Nodes configured in Node Red. 
I read about a limit of creating OPC UA Client Nodes. After disabling most of the Nodes the session were active again. 
