ctrlX Automation How-to FAQ

FAQ for ctrlX CORE

Occasional Contributor
What is the ctrlX CORE?

In terms of hardware the ctrlX CORE is a consistent open and totally hardware independant control platform. A powerful 64-bit multicore CPU gets universally implemented in embedded, IPC or drive systems. Since it is one physically identical control platform, there are no software boundaries between topologies and no hurdles for future CPU upgrades.



Which OS runs on the ctrlX CORE and what is real-time control guaranteed?

The ctrlX CORE makes use of the Ubuntu Core with PREEMPT_RT patch, which provides real-time functionaltiy. It common established on many RT-application field.

What about the ctrlX Data Layer running on the ctrlX CORE?

The ctrlX Data Layer provides structured access to any real-time and non-real-time data without additional programming or parameterization under careful attention of the security restrictions. Like what? Such as the data provided by the EtherCAT connected IO-peripherie or any other fieldbus connected IO can be accessed and provided by the ctrlX Data Layer. APPs provide and consume data as well via that data-manager.


Which Security level is provided using the ctrlX CORE?

On the one hand the ctrlX CORE User and Permission concept follows strict the Linux User management.
On the other hand the ctrlX CORE is 'secure by design' as well as 'secure by default'. An embedded TPM (Trusted Platform Module - cryptography and random numbering etc.) covers the design part and the default configuration is already secure, means no settings have to been made to realisze the secure state (e.g. disable protocols etc.)

Regarding the IT Security IEC62443
- ctrlX DRIVEplus ctrlX CORE fullfills SL2
- ctrlX CORE fullfills SL3

Additional 'secure production mode' is guaranteed, since all unnecessary production modes can be switched-off.


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