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WebIQ reconnection problem

WebIQ reconnection problem

New Poster


A customer of ours is having a WebIQ license problem.

They use WebIQ via tablet and connect it to the secomea device. Sometimes tablet wifi connection is lost and when they try to reconnect they get this "Available licenses do not allow any more logins" error and they cannot clear the error without turning the robot off and on. I guess the license user limit is reached because there is no direct exit from the previous user logins.

Do you have any suggestion?

Best regards,

Mert Can Gülen


Frequent Contributor

Licensing works as such: the maximum number of concurrent client connections is defined in the license. Only active websocket connections count against the limits, so there is no "correct logout" required for the license to be freed as will be automatically freed once the websocket connection is closed, regardless of whether this was cleanly or through an error.

However, as the WiFi connection breaks (which is the error), the ctrlX OS cannot detect immediately that the websocket connection has been broken (this is how TCP networking works, this has nothing to do with WebIQ itself) and keeps that connection as open towards WebIQ Server on your ctrlX until a timeout occurs. That is when WebIQ Server will be notified by the OS that the connection has been closed and the license will be freed. This can take between 30 seconds and 2 minutes depending on the timeout setting on the system and has nothing to do with the robot reboot.

As that timeout is an OS setting and should be the same for all network connections on the ctrlX that probably would have to be changed on that level as a workaround.

However, as the reason for the error is the WiFi connectivity to prevent the issue a better WiFi connection is recommended as the timeout change would only be a workaround.

Long-established Member

You can test the number of connected clients. To do this, define a variable and select the 'usercount' function at the bottom right in the attributes for simulation and display it.


That doesn't solve the problem, but maybe it helps to narrow it down?
webiq eg
