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Cannot able to run a python based ARM64 snap in ctrlX CORE - X3

Cannot able to run a python based ARM64 snap in ctrlX CORE - X3

New Poster

Based on the SDK python-samples, i could successfully build and run a AMD64 snap in the ctrlX Virtual and even in AMD64 based X7 ctrlX CORE.

But the ARM64 snap built successfully, is not able to run in the X3 ctrlX CORE. It looks like the python dependencies are not getting linked / loaded properly. Could not able to figure out, how the normal build script in SDK, which works for AMD64 snap, is not working for ARM64 snap.

It is the same issue even for simple 'hello world' kind of ARM64 snap with python dependents (like Numy etc.)

Currently i have issues with loading Numpy, which later i will be adding other python dependents.



Thanks for the quick reply.

If i need to compile and build a snap in a physical ARM64 device, while pulling the dependencies from internet. - in my case, its challenging from a Bosch Lab setup

so, at least from SDK samples context, do i have only the "snapcraft remote  build" option from launch pad to build an ARM64 snap ?!  ... and ..

Unlike other snaps (C++) which can be cross compiled from AMD system, Is there any Readme in SDK, that hints us how to snap these apps for/in ARM64 device ?


I know is difficult, i suggest to move to an x5 which ready to sell and this month and it is an AMD64 and has an architecture similar to Your PC. There is no other way. Tomorrow i will link some numpy examples to you that i know that are working.

The SDK is meant to start using the core and the Datalayer. It covers the standard datalayer usage and standard topics and cannot answer all the questions. 


Understood the scope of SDK, thanks for the reply, i will try your suggestion refered in other post.


Building my snap in an ARM64 device (Pi3 with Ubuntu Server) solved this problem.

Compared to Ubuntu Core (which needs classic confinement), I found building in Ubuntu Server is highly productive.

For Continous Integration system of these non-cross compilable applications, any guideleines / suggestions from ctrlX ?!

Thanks & Regards,

