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String.fromCharCode(parseInt(msg.payload.slice(2, 4), 16));\n let PIDel2 = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(msg.payload.slice(4, 6), 16));\n let PIDel3 = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(msg.payload.slice(6, 8), 16));\n let PIDel4 = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(msg.payload.slice(8, 10), 16));\n let PIDel5 = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(msg.payload.slice(10, 12), 16));\n let PIDel6 = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(msg.payload.slice(12, 14), 16));\n let PIDel7 = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(msg.payload.slice(14, 16), 16));\n let CurrentProdID = String(PIDel0 + PIDel1 + PIDel2 + PIDel3 + PIDel4 + PIDel5 + PIDel6 + PIDel7);\n msg.result.ProdID = CurrentProdID;\n global.set(\"resultID\", CurrentProdID);\n break;\n case \"19FFFD46\":\n node.warn(\"Voltage\");\n let VoltageHexHB = msg.payload.slice(4, 6);\n let VoltageHexLB = msg.payload.slice(6, 8);\n let VoltageINT = parseInt(VoltageHexLB + VoltageHexHB, 16) / 20;\n msg.result.voltage = VoltageINT;\n global.set(\"resultvoltage\", VoltageINT);\n node.warn(\"Current\");\n let CurrentHexLBL = msg.payload.slice(8, 10);\n let CurrentHexLBH = msg.payload.slice(10, 12);\n let CurrentHexHBL = msg.payload.slice(12, 14);\n let CurrentHexHBH = msg.payload.slice(14, 16);\n let CurrentINT = (parseInt(CurrentHexHBH + CurrentHexHBL + CurrentHexLBH + CurrentHexLBL, 16) - 2000000000) * 0.001;\n msg.result.current = CurrentINT;\n global.set(\"resultcurrent\", CurrentINT);\n break; \n case \"19FECA46\":\n node.warn(\"PowerON/OFF\");\n let Power = msg.payload.slice(1, 2);\n let powerStat = parseInt(Power, 16);\n if (powerStat === 1) {\n msg.result.powerstat = \"Power is OFF\"\n }\n if (powerStat === 5) {\n msg.result.powerstat = \"Power is ON\"\n } \n global.set(\"resultpower\", msg.result.powerstat); \n break; \n case \"19FFFC46\":\n node.warn(\"Temperature\");\n let TempertureHexHB = msg.payload.slice(4, 6);\n let TempertureHexLB = msg.payload.slice(6, 8);\n let TempertureINT = (parseInt(TempertureHexLB + TempertureHexHB, 16) - 8736) * 0.03125;\n msg.result.temperature_C = TempertureINT;\n msg.result.temperature_F = (TempertureINT * 9) / 5 + 32;\n global.set(\"resulttempC\", TempertureINT);\n global.set(\"resulttempF\", msg.result.temperature_F);\n node.warn(\"State Of Charge\");\n let SOCHex = msg.payload.slice(8, 10);\n let SOCINT = parseInt(SOCHex, 16) / 2;\n msg.result.SOC = SOCINT;\n global.set(\"resultSOC\", SOCINT);\n node.warn(\"Remaining Discharge Time\");\n let RDTHexHB = msg.payload.slice(10, 12);\n let RDTHexLB = msg.payload.slice(12, 14);\n let RDTINT = parseInt(RDTHexLB + RDTHexHB, 16);\n msg.result.RDT = RDTINT;\n global.set(\"resultRDT\", RDTINT);\n break;\n case \"19FFFB46\":\n node.warn(\"Remaining Discharge Capacity\");\n let RDCHexHB = msg.payload.slice(6, 8);\n let RDCHexLB = msg.payload.slice(8, 10);\n let RDCINT = parseInt(RDCHexLB + RDCHexHB, 16);\n msg.result.RDC = RDCINT;\n global.set(\"resultRDC\", RDCINT);\n break; \n} \nmsg.ProductID = global.get(\"resultID\");\nmsg.actvoltvalue = global.get(\"resultvoltage\");\nmsg.actcurrentvalue = global.get(\"resultcurrent\");\nmsg.actpowerstatus = global.get(\"resultpower\");\nmsg.acttempCvalue = global.get(\"resulttempC\");\nmsg.acttempFvalue = global.get(\"resulttempF\");\nmsg.actSOCvalue = global.get(\"resultSOC\");\nmsg.actRDTvalue = global.get(\"resultRDT\");\nmsg.actRDCvalue = global.get(\"resultRDC\"); \nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 610, "y": 160, "wires": [ [ "e0e95772250aed21", "680f31a15fd3963b", "7fdaaaf73f0f65b1", "f9cb9946bf5cfd82", "8cb2cc8e121cbe1a", "c6a73f345dcca1b8", "3f8e630694019655", "7ad1cf0c6928ff1b", "d398ef35b26cf868" ] ] }, { "id": "e0e95772250aed21", "type": "ui_text", "z": "e5a14b97656525b2", "group": "13226a88cd3dcc52", "order": 1, "width": 0, "height": 0, "name": "", "label": "Product ID", "format": "{{msg.ProductID}}", "layout": "row-spread", "className": "", "style": false, "font": "", "fontSize": 16, "color": "#000000", "x": 1070, 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