-=( BEGIN OF LOG 2024-07-17 08:47:07.526079 )=- [2024-07-17 08:47:07.524960] [ error | data-recorder] Failed to create id for recorded item. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.524960] [ error | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:07.524960] [ error | data-recorder] item_alias(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.526706] [ error | data-recorder] Failed to create id for recorded item. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.526706] [ error | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:07.526706] [ error | data-recorder] item_alias(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.528099] [ error | data-recorder] Failed to create id for recorded item. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.528099] [ error | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:07.528099] [ error | data-recorder] item_alias(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.529287] [ error | data-recorder] Failed to create id for recorded item. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.529287] [ error | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:07.529287] [ error | data-recorder] item_alias(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.530586] [ error | data-recorder] Failed to create id for recorded item. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.530586] [ error | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:07.530586] [ error | data-recorder] item_alias(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.531767] [ error | data-recorder] Failed to create id for recorded item. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.531767] [ error | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:07.531767] [ error | data-recorder] item_alias(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.532510] [ error | data-recorder-manager] Failed to create item recorder. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.532510] [ error | data-recorder-manager] recorder_name(): ElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.532510] [ error | data-recorder-manager] item_alias(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 08:47:07.535541] [ warning | data-recorder] Unable to remove unused items from record log. [2024-07-17 08:47:07.535541] [ warning | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:07.545398] [ information | project] Project 'peq_test' has been loaded. [2024-07-17 08:47:44.911838] [ warning | data-recorder] Unable to create recorder activity marker. [2024-07-17 08:47:44.911838] [ warning | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:44.915869] [ warning | data-recorder] Unable to create recorder activity marker. [2024-07-17 08:47:44.915869] [ warning | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:44.917094] [ warning | data-recorder] Unable to create recorder activity marker. [2024-07-17 08:47:44.917094] [ warning | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:44.918839] [ warning | data-recorder] Unable to create recorder activity marker. [2024-07-17 08:47:44.918839] [ warning | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:45.361217] [ warning | data-recorder] Unable to create recorder activity marker. [2024-07-17 08:47:45.361217] [ warning | data-recorder] what(): database or disk is full: database or disk is full [2024-07-17 08:47:45.363391] [ warning | data-recorder] Unable to create recorder activity marker. [2024-07-17 [2024-07-17 08:49:36.242314] BEGIN OF LOG [2024-07-17 08:49:36.242673] [notification | ] Copyright Smart HMI GmbH 2013-2024 WebIQ Server v2.15.6 release/2.15.6/58227027 (Linux Release) [2024-07-17 08:49:36.242857] [ information | ] Started: 2024-07-17 08:49:36 [2024-07-17 08:49:36.242857] [ information | ] Current clients: 0 [2024-07-17 08:49:37.177911] [ information | init] Waiting on license agent before processing autostart projects... [2024-07-17 08:50:07.195392] [ error | license] Failed to connect to license agent. [2024-07-17 08:50:07.195392] [ error | license] what(): The socket was closed due to a timeout [boost.beast:1 at /usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/boost/beast/core/impl/basic_stream.hpp:415:25 in function 'void boost::beast::basic_stream< , , >::ops::transfer_op::operator()(boost::beast::error_code, std::size_t)'] [2024-07-17 08:50:37.803101] [ information | core] Loading autostart project: peq_test [2024-07-17 08:50:37.803458] [ information | project] Loading project 'peq_test'... [2024-07-17 08:50:39.059862] [notification | ctrlX] Connected to 'opc.tcp://ctrlx-CORE:4840'. [2024-07-17 08:50:40.208251] [ error | ctrlX] An error occurred while looking for builtin types. Some type's might not be resolved correctly. [2024-07-17 08:50:40.208251] [ error | ctrlX] error_code(): opcua:-2144075776:BadNodeIdUnknown [2024-07-17 08:50:40.909632] [ information | ctrlX] Connected to OPC-UA Server. [2024-07-17 08:50:40.909632] [ information | ctrlX] security policy is: Basic256Sha256 [2024-07-17 08:50:40.909632] [ information | ctrlX] message security mode is: SignAndEncrypt [2024-07-17 08:50:41.222417] [ information | project] Project 'peq_test' has been loaded. [2024-07-17 08:50:41.222670] [ information | init] Loaded 1 autostart projects. [2024-07-17 08:54:57.739956] BEGIN OF LOG [2024-07-17 08:54:57.741324] [notification | ] Copyright Smart HMI GmbH 2013-2024 WebIQ Server v2.15.6 release/2.15.6/58227027 (Linux Release) [2024-07-17 08:54:57.741555] [ information | ] Started: 2024-07-17 08:54:57 [2024-07-17 08:54:57.741555] [ information | ] Current clients: 0 [2024-07-17 08:54:58.475292] [ information | init] Waiting on license agent before processing autostart projects... [2024-07-17 08:55:28.521815] [ error | license] Failed to connect to license agent. [2024-07-17 08:55:28.521815] [ error | license] what(): The socket was closed due to a timeout [boost.beast:1 at /usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/boost/beast/core/impl/basic_stream.hpp:415:25 in function 'void boost::beast::basic_stream< , , >::ops::transfer_op::operator()(boost::beast::error_code, std::size_t)'] [2024-07-17 08:55:59.043165] [ information | core] Loading autostart project: peq_test [2024-07-17 08:55:59.043446] [ information | project] Loading project 'peq_test'... [2024-07-17 08:56:00.496735] [notification | ctrlX] Connected to 'opc.tcp://ctrlx-CORE:4840'. [2024-07-17 08:56:01.573023] [ error | ctrlX] An error occurred while looking for builtin types. Some type's might not be resolved correctly. [2024-07-17 08:56:01.573023] [ error | ctrlX] error_code(): opcua:-2144075776:BadNodeIdUnknown [2024-07-17 08:56:02.279344] [ information | ctrlX] Connected to OPC-UA Server. [2024-07-17 08:56:02.279344] [ information | ctrlX] security policy is: Basic256Sha256 [2024-07-17 08:56:02.279344] [ information | ctrlX] message security mode is: SignAndEncrypt [2024-07-17 08:56:02.621950] [ information | project] Project 'peq_test' has been loaded. [2024-07-17 08:56:02.622344] [ information | init] Loaded 1 autostart projects. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.260239] [ error | data-recorder] Exception while attempting to process value. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.260239] [ error | data-recorder] item(): rElectrolyteVolume [2024-07-17 09:14:06.260239] [ error | data-recorder] what(): Attempting to record item value with incompatible type. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.261524] [ error | data-recorder] Exception while attempting to process value. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.261524] [ error | data-recorder] item(): rElectrolyteVolumeTarget [2024-07-17 09:14:06.261524] [ error | data-recorder] what(): Attempting to record item value with incompatible type. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.262430] [ error | data-recorder] Exception while attempting to process value. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.262430] [ error | data-recorder] item(): rPEQReadCurrent [2024-07-17 09:14:06.262430] [ error | data-recorder] what(): Attempting to record item value with incompatible type. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.262671] [ error | data-recorder] Exception while attempting to process value. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.262671] [ error | data-recorder] item(): rPEQReadVoltage [2024-07-17 09:14:06.262671] [ error | data-recorder] what(): Attempting to record item value with incompatible type. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.264873] [ error | data-recorder] Exception while attempting to process value. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.264873] [ error | data-recorder] item(): rPumpIntensity [2024-07-17 09:14:06.264873] [ error | data-recorder] what(): Attempting to record item value with incompatible type. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.265090] [ error | data-recorder] Exception while attempting to process value. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.265090] [ error | data-recorder] item(): rElectrolyteTemperature [2024-07-17 09:14:06.265090] [ error | data-recorder] what(): Attempting to record item value with incompatible type. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.265911] [ error | data-recorder] Exception while attempting to process value. [2024-07-17 09:14:06.265911] [ error | data-recorder] item(): rElectrolyteTemperatureTarget [2024-07-17 09:14:06.265911] [ error | data-recorder] what(): Attempting to record item value with incompatible type. [2024-07-17 10:24:16.335092] BEGIN OF LOG [2024-07-17 10:24:16.337913] [notification | ] Copyright Smart HMI GmbH 2013-2024 WebIQ Server v2.15.6 release/2.15.6/58227027 (Linux Release) [2024-07-17 10:24:16.338731] [ information | ] Started: 2024-07-17 10:24:16 [2024-07-17 10:24:16.338731] [ information | ] Current clients: 0 [2024-07-17 10:24:17.089113] [ information | init] Waiting on license agent before processing autostart projects... [2024-07-17 10:24:47.111395] [ error | license] Failed to connect to license agent. [2024-07-17 10:24:47.111395] [ error | license] what(): The socket was closed due to a timeout [boost.beast:1 at /usr/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/boost/beast/core/impl/basic_stream.hpp:415:25 in function 'void boost::beast::basic_stream< , , >::ops::transfer_op::operator()(boost::beast::error_code, std::size_t)'] [2024-07-17 10:25:17.694395] [ information | core] Loading autostart project: peq_test [2024-07-17 10:25:17.694669] [ information | project] Loading project 'peq_test'... [2024-07-17 10:25:19.099903] [notification | ctrlX] Connected to 'opc.tcp://ctrlx-CORE:4840'. [2024-07-17 10:25:20.192642] [ error | ctrlX] An error occurred while looking for builtin types. Some type's might not be resolved correctly. [2024-07-17 10:25:20.192642] [ error | ctrlX] error_code(): opcua:-2144075776:BadNodeIdUnknown [2024-07-17 10:25:20.887514] [ information | ctrlX] Connected to OPC-UA Server. [2024-07-17 10:25:20.887514] [ information | ctrlX] security policy is: Basic256Sha256 [2024-07-17 10:25:20.887514] [ information | ctrlX] message security mode is: SignAndEncrypt [2024-07-17 10:25:21.298710] [ information | project] Project 'peq_test' has been loaded. [2024-07-17 10:25:21.298991] [ information | init] Loaded 1 autostart projects.