I am trying to add the IDE app to my CORE so I can learn Blockly. I have been running versions 21.03.2 and 1.8.3. My CORE was controlling my Cs drive via PLC code for the past week. I have stopped the PLC app. I wanted to try to control the drive with Blockly so I am trying to install "IDE IDE-V-0108.0.arm.app" I downloaded the app on 5/19/2021 from the ctrlX collaboation site. I am in service mode when I try to install the app and I always get a fault that reads "Upload failed! Assertion file missingin app bundle for architecture arm64 One of the provided arguments is invalid"(picture attached). I have the python runtime succesfully installed already. My hardware is R911406308 AB1. Please offer me any suggestions you may have to eliminate this install fault.
IDE app install failure
Best reply by Jochen_Mueller
Hello RGrieger
There seems to be a problem with the big size of the IDE App. Can you update the Automation Core to version 1.8.2 and try again to install the IDE App.
7 replies