My host PC is connected to a router via ethernet connection and shows up on the DHCP client list of the router. I have also set up a wireless network using the router, to which I have connected an arduino nano running a simple web-server.
When I have a real core connected to the router, I can make an http request via Node-RED on the core, to the web-server and get some sensor readings as response. I want to do the same with a virtual core.
When running the virtual core in network adapter mode, I found out that it is not possible to bridge network adapters in the windows control panel. Even when the virtual machine is booted without the use of ctrlX Works.
When running the virtual core in port forwarding mode, I select ethernet from the options for external access and do see the correct IP address of my ethernet port. With my limited knowledge of networking, I set the following localPort:controlPort pairs in the port forwarding input field: 8022:22,8443:443,8740:11740,4840:4840,2069:2069,2070:2070,67:67,68:68,80:80
When making the http request, I get the connection error "EHOSTUNREACH". I also monitor the arduino at the same time and see that no http requests are coming in.
I would appreciate any insight into how to achieve the desired functionality.