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Reading Functional Outputs/Inputs over CoE Objects not working
Hello, I have a customer using the SAFEX and they want to read the Functional Outputs from the CoE object library. This is to get the data in case the EtherCAT bus is not communicating and they would like to read the current error state. We discovered that the manual lists the Functional Output data at Address 0x60B0. However, I attempted to use a CoERead function block in the PLC to that address and got an error. Later, I discovered that the data is actually at address 0x6220. However, when I read the data from this address, the data does not match what is being transmitted over the EtherCAT bus. When I read the CoE object with the CoERead function block, I just get a value of 33 from the first byte, and the remaining bytes are all 0. I checked this with IO Engineering reading the CoE Object, while my PLC Engineering was reading the Functional Output data over EtherCAT, and I just see 0s where the status word and data should be. It appears like the Functional Output CoE object is not being populated with data. Do I need to configure something in my SAFEX to allow the functional Output data to be read over CoE? SAFEX-C.15 running FW was used for testing 112/19/2024Resource checker error
Hello! If I create an empty project with a Safex C15 as ethercat master and try to add Safex slaves and Rexroth IndraDrive slaves at some point system will marked added devices with red color and compilation will generate error. Or sometimes that resource checker pop-up window appears and doesn't add a device. The problem is that it can happen that first project is ok and can be compiled, but after modifications in functional scheme few devices are red and project can't be compiled. Even if I delete all servo devices it will complain about resources, just when I delete one of the Safex slave I can add servo devices back. Could someone explain me the restrictions of device to be added? I know only about max slaves number is 32, but here we are far away from that number. The software version is 111/19/2024SAFEX-C.15 Pulse P1/P2 Terminal Selection
Hello, The documentation suggests that the pulse outputs P1/P2 at XG32 pins 7 and 8 can be moved (to pins 1 to 6) or configured as outputs instead. However from the software it does not appear as though this is possible. Can the functionality of X32 pins 7 and 8 be changed? Many Thanks 111/14/2024Link to how to doku does not work
Hello , The link to the how to " Create safety PLC project with ctrlX SAFETY Engineering" does not work . 111/05/2024Connect SafetyLink and CoE
Hello, I have a setup with ctrlX Core, ctrlX Safety and ctrlX Drive. I tried to connect only a Safex with ctrlX Drive through SafetyLink and it works. But, the problem is when I add the ctrlX Core because I don't know how to program the ctrlX IO because I want to move the axis with Motion. The idea is connect Safex with ctrlX Drive through SafetyLink, and connect these with ctrlX Core through Ethercat CoE (without FSoE). Is it possible?? Any ideas? 1210/25/2024F3232 SafeX Fault
On a machine with 8 safeX C.15 talking over SMMC, occasionally one of them will get an F3232 fault. Nothing stands out on the 24V wiring side. The same 24V power supply is used for two safeX C.15. If the issue was the power supply, I'd expect both safeX to get the fault. On an identical machine I replaced the safeX and the issue never came back. This machine got the fault on a different portion of the system, so no common factor there. Are there any troubleshooting steps I should try besides replacing the device? Device firmware is Safety Engineering version is 1.8.3. 210/22/2024Warning message
Hello, I'm trying to make a simple project in ctrlX Safety Engineering, and when I'm trying to connect to the ctrlX Safety the following warning appears: Current document configuration is not synced with configuration of connected device. The layout diagnosis is not possible. And then it won't let me do anything, I can only disconnect. Does anyone knows how to solve this? I'm using SAFEX-C.12 and ctrlX SAFETY Engineering 410/21/2024How to deal with F3452?
Hello. I am using the ctrlx drive as the FSOE slave. But the error F3452 occured and couldn't be reset. I found this similar topic. LINK Currently how to deal with the error? 210/17/2024Customize the amount of Process Data in SAFEX C.15
Hi all! In the older SafeLogic SLc I could customize input/output process data and I used only 12 input byte/12 output byte (Sercos): for me was sufficent. Now I have a TwinCat project with only one SAFEX C.15 (EtherCat slave) and in the Process Data obtain already 66 output byte/46 input byte. Is possible customize the process data to reduce exchange input/output bytes? Thanks in advance. 110/11/2024Safex reset from ctrlX - Ethercat
Hello, Is it possible to reset a Safex from ctrlX Core via Ethercat? Also, I tried with the Start/Reset block and it works with a button: But I need without physical button. Is it possible via filedbus from ctrlX Core?? Thanks!! 110/07/2024Project Copy and Paste Crashes Safety Engineering
Using a large project that contains 8 safeX communicating over SMMC, when a project is copy and pasted in safety engineering 1.8.3 the software crashes. I'm able to copy over a blank project, but with the full project (20+ I/O per project, ethercat data transfer, fastChannel) Safety Engineering crashes. The exception report generated is attached. After the software crashed, I was able to open a recovery file. I found a section that was deleted during the copy and paste, so I thought that might be the issue. I removed those items and tried a new copy and paste. This second copy and paste also failed, but with very different issues in the recovery file. My theory is there's a memory issue and when that memory runs out, the next item being pasted is what gets messed up crashing the software. By deleting the initial items, I moved the problem to the next thing being pasted. 509/25/2024F1628 Timer Fault in SafeX
I'm trying to create a timer of 8 hours in a safeX C.15 running firmware Looking at both the programming manual and Safety Engineering (1.8.3), 8 hours should be well within the limit. After setting the delay time, the program compiles and downloads fine, but after init the 'Self Check' fails and generates an F1627/F1628 fault. I'm able to set the timer for 8,400,000 ms and it works fine. Above 9,000,000 ms the fault comes up. 28,800,000 ms is the time I'd like to use (or 480 minutes). This fault is generated in both ms and min. My temporary solution is to set a timer for one hour and count up. When the count reaches 8, the 8 hours have elapsed. 209/25/2024SAFEX-C.15 alarm A 7614 when using SICK microScan3 Pro
We have been trying to establish EtherCAT FSoE communications between SafeX C15 (FW: ENG: and SICK microscan3, but without success. We used the microscan library from the software engineering tool, and we have established the slave to slave link via the ctrlX IO engineering tool (screenshots attached). If anyone have had an experience with this, or some hints on what we might be doing wrong, please advise. 109/03/2024SAFEX Firmware Downgrade
My customer needs to program a new SAFEX C.12 to replace an existing SAFEX C.12 that has failed on a machine. The new SAFEX has CPU firmware, FPGA 212 and Hardware version 6 The old SAFEX has CPU firmware and FPGA 211. Hardware version not know at this stage. Is it possible to downgrade the firmware of the new controller to match the old controller? 207/17/2024SAFEX-C.1x Text or Excel-friendly error code list available?
Hello, A customer would like to have an excel spreadsheet list of the error codes for the SAFEX-C.1x available for their reference to incorporate into their project. They have the SAFEX manuals for error codes, but pdf format is more difficult to incorporate in their PLC for alarm handling information. Do you have a text or spreadsheet listing that we can provide for reference? 207/11/2024Failure F2302
I have F2302 fault on a C15 safety controller with firmware. I'm using ctrlX Safety Engineering software. The documentation suggests these remedies: I have done all of them but suspect that the "Compatible programming software" might be an issue. How can I verify that I have the correct fw and software versions? If these version are compatible, what other issues could cause this fault? I attached a zip file with my Safety project. The serial number of my controller is 7260 150001181 DJ. Actually, I cannot verify the firmware in the controller because the SystemInfo is not populated when the Diagnostics icon is selected. The controller has not been updated since it has been shipped. We are guessing based on other serial numbers that the fw is 206/12/2024ctrlX Safety security
Is there documentation such as R911342562 that covers security features of ctrlX SAFEX-C controllers? 105/28/2024Detail on Two-Handed control
Are there any further details on the SAFEX two handed control function block? eg. Logic diagram, timing diagram, discrimination time between the two inputs, faults detected? I am reluctant to use it with so little information provided. However, I also would prefer to use a pre-tested function block rather than write my own software. 405/23/2024Single SIL3 output drives Well Tried Load
I have a single channel output design which uses SIL3 Qx8_PP to drive a Hydraulic Valve with no feedback. If the Hydraulic valve is a well tried component with High MTTFd, is it possible for this to be a PLc circuit? Or is this specifically excluded by the manual? In the SAFEX installation manual Section Single-channel switching relay or semiconductor output without testing it states that only PLb is achievable. In Table 90 there is mention of SIL2 outputs with Category B circuit. However, there is no mention of SIL3 Outputs with Category 1 circuits. Is this a deliberate exclusion or is this perhaps something that was not thought of? 105/23/2024Safex-C.12 Failure 3609
Hi, I'm having a really hard time to starting a C.12 controller. I'm constatly getting a 3609 failure. What I tried so far. Download with logic and completed wireing. -> ERROR Download with logic and wireing removed (except power) -> ERROR Download empty project with and without wireing. -> ERROR It seems no matter what I try I always get an error. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Csaba 305/21/2024Safex C12 Startup issue
When the Safety PLC starts up, it seems to test all of its relay outputs (ours configured as positive and negative pairs) with a positive voltage. These outputs are connected to a robot control unit and put the robot into a fault state if it is turned on before the SafeX finishes booting. I believe this is due to the SafeX pulsing Q0.9 and Q0.11 with a test voltage at startup, when the robot controller is expecting them to be negative. QO.8-11 are configured as redundant outputs. For now, our process has been to wait 10 seconds for the Safety to boot, then turn on the robot controller. More recently we have had the safety PLC control a contactor that energizes the robot controller once safety has booted. Is there any way to prevent this such that we don’t need additional equipment? Can this function be turned off, or is it a bug? Safex firmware is 205/14/2024OSSD test pulse duration
Hello, In Safety Engineering, there are two locations for setting OSSD test pulse duration. One is in the controller properties, and the other is in the Semiconductor output properies. The documentation is unclear, but are these for different functions? If not, which value takes precedence? 105/13/2024SAFEX-C1x with Elmo Platinum Harmonica Drive FSoE
Is the Elmo Platinum Harmonica drive with FSoE supported by SAFEX-C12? If so, do you have an example you can send me? I have CORE, SAFEX-C12, and Elmo Platinum Harmonica Drive. I am trying to establish FSoE communication but can't get FSoE to connect. The standard EtherCAT communication is working. The problem seems to be with the Parameter CRC as part of the Elmo Drive properties in SAFETY Engineering. The Safe Params CRC from the drive was entered into the properties in SAFETY Engineering: The connections have been assigned in IO Engineering: When looking in the FSoE connection properties in the PLC it seemed like the CRC was not being transmitted. The FSoE_SafetyMasterMessage_04_Bytes_Out.FSoE_MasterCRC_0 & FSoE_SafetyMasterMessage_04_Bytes_Out.FSoE_MasterCRC_1 had values of 0 even when the Always Update Variables was changed to “Enabled 1 (use bus cycle task if not used in any task)”. This is also indicated by the diagnostic in the drive: As a workaround test the Params CRC value was added to a POU but it did not help: Thank you. 105/07/2024P1/P2 pulse frequency adjustable?
Hello, We have a customer who is asking about whether they can change the pulse frequency of the P1/P2 test pulses. They measure them at 4msec rate and want to make that >10msec. Is there any way to achieve this? They are using the SafeX-C.15. The reason is they have some equipment that requires test pulses at a >10msec rate. They tried to adjust OSSD test pulse time and OSSD Period settings for the controller, but they don't appear to affect P1/P2. 305/06/2024ctrlX SAFETY Engineering Wrong serial when reconnecting to SAFEX-C
I can connect to a SAFEX-C12 without issue following a power up. If I disconnect, then try to reconnected, It reports 'Wrong serial number for verification' in the Message Window. If I cycle the power to the SAFEX-C12, I can then connect again without issue. I have this issue when I connecting with USB cabele or over EtherCAT via the ctrlX Core. ctrlX SAFETY Engineering version SAFEX-C12 firmware version, FPGA version 211 205/02/2024ctrlX SAFETY Engineering version problem
Hello, I have a safety hardware C.12 with FW version. The ctrlX SAFETY Engineering version is I can connect to the module, but the send configuration function does not work (button is active). In the diagnostic window I see the different values. I have tried with version, the connection is OK, but the send configuration button is not active. Any ideas? 204/18/2024SAFEX reset from network
Hello, could somebody explain what are pre-requesites for using "reset from network" function? I know about these: It can only be used when SAFEX-C.1x is FSoE Slave or PROFISAFE Slave. Only works if it is connected to bit 0 of the F-Bus Input block. But it still doesn't reset alarms when I test it. Project settings are on the attached screenshots. The rest FSOE bits are working correctly. 104/10/2024Problem with connection ctrlX Safex C15
Hello, I have problem with connection Safex C15. Whenever I want connect, I get message "Wrong serial number for verification". The serial number I wrote is correct. 104/04/2024SAFEX input and Schmersal light curtain issue
Hello everyone, i have a problem with a SAFEX C.12. Two input of safety device are connected to a light curtain Shcmersal model SLG440-ER-0900-04-01 ( . As soon as light curtains are activated, they give an error on OSSD output: He tried also with other light curtains of another brand and the problem is not present in this case. There are some restrictions in terms of OSSD signal at the input of SAFEX? Thank you 103/22/2024Remote update of safety controller
Hello community, Is it possible to update code on safety controller remotely, e.g. via device manager, DOCKER or another way? Reason for asking, is when a multiple number of machines are located around the world. It is then possible to update app, PLC and motion code etc with the device manager or using a service like DOCKER. It would then be nice to also remotely update the safety controller code instead of travelling and being onsite to do this. Servodude 103/19/2024CPU Temperature monitoring on SAFEX-C.1x
Hello, On the Diagnostics tab, we have the ability to read CPU Temperature of the SAFEX-C.1x controllers in the most recent software versions. A customer has requested that this parameter be available either readable externally from a PLC for monitoring, or that the CPU temperature can be monitored Inside the Safety program, with the purpose of setting a bit HIGH if the temperature exceeds a pre-defined temperature level. 1. Is the CPU Temperature monitorable from a PLC, either by reading over fieldbus, FSoE or other method? 2. The documentation hints that temperature monitoring is built-in. Does the CPU temperature already trigger a fault/warning/error of some kind, and if so, what is the threshold for this trigger? 3. Is it possible for a customer to set a user-defined temperature threshold for detection in the Safety program? 102/27/2024SAFEX FSoE Error
Dear Team, I have below configuration and i am using SAFEX C12 with Firmware 212 and Safety engineering app version i am using ctrlX WORKS version 1.20.5. Communication with KRC5 is okey but i am not able to configure with Inxpect Controller via FSoE. Inxpect Controller have the possibility to use 2, 4, and 16 bytes PDO. i tried with 2 & 4 but i am not able to get statur RUN. I am receiving Alarm 7604, 7608 and so on. Please help me to solve this issue. 102/05/2024Missing elements after device description install
Hello, After installing the correct SAFEX-C1x device description file for the running firmware\FPGA we still had the 0x001E: Invalid Input Configuration. What we found was the elements for the FSoE Master Connections did not get installed: After several attempts of uninstalling - reinstalling we exported the missing elements from another PC and installed them manually, this process worked: Here is some additional information about the PC and I/O Engineering: 501/10/2024Are the OSSD CtrlX Safety C12/C15 outputs designed with "serial redundancy" according to SIL 3?
Are the OSSD CtrlX Safety C12/C15 outputs designed with "serial redundancy" according to SIL 3? If yes, which outputs? All? 112/18/2023SFB-EC-8M12-IOP compatibility
Hello. Is it possible to test if this device is compatible with SafeX C15 device in ESI file level. We tried to implement this to one application but it seems that none of those modules is a match for this device that are possible to configure for FSoE Connection in IO-Engineering. 211/16/2023Safex C15 USB connection problem
We have a SafexC15 where we can't connect to the controller. Connection type USB we tried: CrtlX Safety Engineering 1.7 build result : System.NullReferenceException tried with: empty project, project with only SAFEX-C.15 controller, original project from supplier, result all the same. With ctrlX Safety Engineering 1.7.3 Build The program does not crash but connection is abborted 111/15/2023Different SAFEX Connectors?
Hello, We have a customer that has a SAFEXC12 and he has the output connector broken, We have ordered new connectors following this reference XACC-3-CSRTB12_L (R911410768) The problem is that when we try to plug the new connectors it does not fit in the SAFEX, this SAFEX is one of the first ones so we do not know if the connectors should be the same? Or maybe should I order different connectors? Please let me know how should I need to proceed, Thanks, 511/13/2023Replacing SAFEX C.1X device
What are the steps for sending safety project to new SAFEX device via µSD-card? For example, if broken SAFEX.C15 needs to be replaced with new SAFEX.C15. My assumption is, that only .toc file and .psw file should be stored on the µSD-card and the process is initated during boot up by pressing SF40 button. Is there something else that should be done? Are there detailed instructions available? 111/07/2023Safex C15 can not send configuration
Hello, I have a problem with a SafeX C15, when I connect to it this message appears: At this point I can not send the configuration to the C15 and thus I can not configure it in any way: I tried also with an empty project to see if the problem was my configuration, but nothing changed. Best regards Andrea Toffalori 310/26/2023C.15 Plus configure outputs
Hello, how can I configure the outputs XG34 Qx.16-Qx.19/Py to pulse outputs on a C.15 control? I would like to configure this to a pull output 1 or 2. In my case, the goal is to have 3 hardware outputs, each of which provides me with a pulse output. Two of them are covered by the XG32 Py Qx.6 and Qx.7 contacts. The third is provided on terminal point XG34. 210/19/2023
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