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Alarm 7608 - Connecting FSoE Slave

Alarm 7608 - Connecting FSoE Slave

Established Member

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to connect a SICK microScan3 to a SAFEX-C12 via FSoE. Sadly I get the Alarm 7608 "Ungültiger FSoE Daten CRC" and cant find my mistake. The Firmware Info of my SAFEX-C12 and the Engineering Version please find attached. I configured the connection with the following steps:

1) Configure the FSoE Master:






2) Configure the FSoE Slave according to the parameters in the Slave itself (Disable Safety Configuration Check won't help):


3) Configure the EtherCat in I/O Engineering (The System is running and in state "OP"):


4) Map the data in the ctrlX CORE PLC program (if I map the data in the I/O Engineering an not the PLC Program i get the alarm 7614 "Ungültige FSoE Prozessdaten"):


Any ideas where my problem/mistake is? Thanks for your support!



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hello @MST ,

The Safety Configuration is OK, but has nothing to do with the connection establishment problem.

The device assignment to the FSoE-Slots with 6 Byte In/ 6 Byte Out fits to the selected profile. As well the address is fitting to the slot number.

This error has its root cause typically if there are filling bits in the FSoE-Datablock. In this case the PLC-based copy method to establish a FSoE-Connection is not applicable, since the PLC copy masks these bits. They are needed during start-up of the FSoE-connection and generate a CRC-Error.

Then the right method is the ctrlX IO Engineering using the Slave-to-Slave-Mapping in the EtherCAT-Master object. If this does not work there is another mismatch.

There are some actions that come to my mind:

  • Please post the Slave-to-Slave configuration.
  • Please create a Wireshark record during the establishment of the FSoE connection and post here. This will allow our experts to analyse what goes wrong with your connection.
  • Please check the Device Description files, whether they fit to your firmware version on the SAFEX-C.12. You find it inside the Collaboration Room and you can get there via ctrlX Store and the ctrlX WORKS (  They are part of the  Firmware-package.
  • The most recent Engineering version to be used with FW V1.0.1.29 is that you can find in the very same Collaboriation Room in another folder.
  • Another possible solution would be to update your controller to the most recent firmware and the fitting Engineering. This Engineering comes with generic ESI-File import for third-party FSoE-Slaves. For a single device the update can be done with assistance of our technical support. Since in this step IT Security and µSD-Card support have been added, a number of conditions have to be met and considered. That's the reason why this firmware is not available for self-service.

If you need further assistance, please contact my technical support colleague @Dias.

Best regards

Your ctrlX SAFETY team

@M_Mohann@SaDiego : FYI

Established Member

Thanks for the infos!

Using the slave to slave configuration instead of the PLC based copy method gave me the alarm 7614 "Ungültige FSoE Prozessdaten" instead and dind't solve the problem.

Yet it works after:

1) Updating to the  recent firmware and the fitting Engineering thanks to the help of your colleagues

2) Connecting the scanner and the SAFE-X via slave-to-slave in the IO-Engineering instead of the PLC copy method

3) Using another ESI-File for the SICK scanner. The file which is pre installed in the engineering seemed to be the big issue in my case
