"Commond Axis…" or "ST code template"


The function "Commond Axis…" or "ST code template" in context-menu is go away in CtrlX PLC,is there any way to run an axis conveniently ?

or  will “Commond Axis” come back in the future? it's really helpful for new customers.

Best reply by CodeShepherd

At the moment (Version 01V06 RM20.11) there is an axis-, kinemtaic- and IMC-interface available.
See this thread for further information.

And GAT like known in the MLC is actually not prioritized.

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At the moment (Version 01V06 RM20.11) there is an axis-, kinemtaic- and IMC-interface available.
See this thread for further information.

And GAT like known in the MLC is actually not prioritized.

What about "GAT"? Whether has a plan to implement it? Or whether has simmilar function in Ctrl-X?


to run an axis you have several options:

- Axis (Kinematic) Commisioning in the Web-Interface

- PLC AxisInterface-Projekt: Visualization "OverviewAxes" (OverviewKinematics) in folder AxisKinInterface

- PLC AxisInterface-Projekt: Sample code "PlcProg" and "DemoBufferedAxisCommands" in folder AxisKinInterface

There are no plans to implement "Command Axis..." and/or "ST code templates" by now.

I am not sure, if it is technical possible to implement this in ctrlX PLC Engineering.

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