File access from CtrlX Core to network share?

Hi all,

i have create a POU that can read, write text files and the content is usable in PLC.

My problem is actually, that the file i like to read/write, have to be at the directory from the CtrlX Core!

I have not found a possiblity to use a networkshare and the core has access and can read the file. Is this function really not possible? Also the recipe manager can only use files that are at the directory from the CtrlXCore?

Best reply by TheCodeCaptain

Hi Zimmbo,

we have a client, running on the ctrlX CORE, to connect to network shares in our backlog, at the moment scheduled for next year, but not yet implemented.

In the meanwhile you could connect to the ctrlX CORE via webdav to put your files there.

The path is like in the picture, you can use e.g. winscp as a client from windows.



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