Datalayer Enums difference between 2.4 and 2.6

We tried upgrading our project from 2.4 to 2.6 and noticed that our hmi stoped working.
After a short investigation we realized it's due to the fact that enum values are now printed as json text instead of numbers in the datalayer.

Is there any way in the plc to get the enums back as numbers? because this causes quite a lot of issues within our application







Best reply by CodeShepherd

As an update:

In version 2.6.2 there are now "switches" available as data layer nodes to chooses the behavior:

As the default settings changed, you must set the following data layer variables path: plc/admin/runtime-settings/symbol-settings and save change afterwards by executing plc/admin/cfg/save.

  "enumRepresentation": "BASETYPE",
  "arrayDisplayName": "OFF"


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