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Wrong Jog direction with Axis Interface

Wrong Jog direction with Axis Interface

New Poster

Good morning,

We wanted to turn to False the value of the positive or negative jog right after having turned it to True and we discovered a problem with the direction.

We tried 2 ways of programming the "True to False" order.
Doesn't matter if the order is given before or after the jog program (in Position A or Position B), the axis always goes in the negative direction.

Do you have any idee of the reason ?
Thanks for you help.

Configuration :
- Axis Interface
- CtrlX Works 1.18
- CtrlX Drive 3.14

Here you can find a picture of the program and the full project.




Community Moderator
Community Moderator

We checked this behaviour and saw that the jog functionality in the axisinterface needs at least two cycles to be activated correctly because of internal state machines. We will improve this in one of our next versions.

As it is a method in the uncompiled library MotionInterfaceUser you can even have a look at it or directly build in a workaround:

ctrlX PLC Engineering CXA_MotionInterfaceUser mSetupModectrlX PLC Engineering CXA_MotionInterfaceUser mSetupMode
