Velocity mode missing Ctrlx

I'm working on a project where I need to run a motor with a constant speed. I know that in IndraWorks there was a mode called velocity mode that could do this. I don't know if I'm missing something but I can't find this mode in the CtrlX libraries. Is it possible that this feature will be added later or is this feature removed? Thanks in advance.

Best reply by LiuPengfei

After I checked, ctrlX 1.12.x dose not support velocity mode yet.

The velocity mode support start from

  • MOT 1.14
  • AxisInteface 1.16.

However, 1.16 has not relase yet, the version will come very soon. So you can't use AxisInterface yet.

But firmware inferface is avialiable, that is CXA_Motion, you can take this way:

  1. Install ctrlX works 1.14.x
  2. update image of ctrlX CORE to 1.14.x
  3. install MOT1.14.x and PLC 1.14.x
  4. using CXA_Motion.ML_AxsVelocity() to create a velocity command on axis.

Example code like this:




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