Axis Profile issue with Dual Axis IndraDrive

I have recently upgraded a running ctrlX installation from V1.12 to V1.20. There are two dual axis IndraDrives with firmware MPM-20V26 and the Motion App is V1.20.5

If I setup a profile for either of the axis within each drive there are no issues. If I setup a profile for the second axis then I get the following error:

Each Profile is mapped to a different axis within the device.




Best reply by DENG

Update: When I connect two dual axis drives into the EtherCAT network, each axis appears on the network as a unique device.

The two dual axis IndraDrives appear on the network as one device per drive.

So this issue only affects dual axis Indradrives. 

I will update the post when I receive feedback from my local tech support.


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