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Reinstall Node-RED

Reinstall Node-RED

Long-established Member

A colleague of mine is using the NodeRed app on the ctrlX CORE and has programmed an infinite loop in it by mistake. As a result, he can no longer open the Node programming environment. And therefore he can't fix the error in his user program. We have tried uninstalling the Node-RED app, but after reinstalling, the Node editor is still inaccessible. I suspect that the user program is not removed during uninstallation and then reloaded again.

Could you tell us how to access the NodeRed app again? Is there any way to delete the user program/SNAP_DATA?




Just some ideas from a ctrlX user which maybe could be useful?

The flows are located in the configuration file.
I would try to: deactivate the node red app -> save the configuration -> open the zip file -> delete or modify the flow/s in the node-red folder which causes the problem -> load and activate the configuration again -> enable node red app -> start node red. Or, if there is nothing in the configuration that is worth saving just create and activate a new configuration then all flows and node modules, which are installed separatly, are deleted. Be aware of that all other settings are also reseted, not only node red, if more are in use.
