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  • Resolver with ratio stator/rotor of 0.3

    Hello, I want to use a resolver with a ration of stator/rotor of 0.3, max input voltage of 10V? See specifications In the planning manual it says: The encoder evaluation has been sized for resolvers with a transfer ratio of 0.5. Is it possible use this resolver?
  • Actual position in incr over CiA402 (DS402) profile

    Hello, in default the actual position is transferred over the Cia402 (DS402) profile in degrees. Wanted is in increments (s-2370) from the customer to connect to Beckhoff. Is it possible to change this on the drive?
  • 1Vss Encoder ctrlX Drive

    In a 1VSS encoder used with the ctrlX DRIVE, which track represents the sine signal and which represents the cosine signal?
  • Can the XNF be placed close to the power supply ? (e.g distance 0mm)

    Can the XNF main filter be placed directly near the power supply (XCS or XVE)? (e.g distance 0mm) Looking at the operation instruction manual it seems this is not possible since we need to keep at least 400mm distance. Have I understood correctly?
  • MS2S04 motor feedback not recognized by XCS1F with fwa6V02

    Hello, When MS2S04 motor is connected to the XCS2-W0019FRN-01NETT0ECNN-S0306 with fwa 6V02 then the feedback is not recognized. But, when the firmware 3V06 is used in the the same hardware then the feedback is recognized without an issue. Attached are the backup parameter files (I had to change the extension to pdf and please change it to .par) showing working and not working system using the same hardware with different firmware. Please let me know if any one has any solution or suggestion.
  • Speed torque Diagram in ctrlXDrive Engineering

    Hello, I need to read the Speed-Torque Diagram in a ctrlxDrive. I hope that the data are available in a S/P parameter. Unfortunatly I could not find in the Help file a the AXS 500 documentation. Could you tell me in which SorP parameter I could get it? Thank you very much for your help.
  • Reset ctrlX Drive with Integrated ctrlX Core

    Hi, I have a ctrlX drive demo kit (R911398609) and its system was corrupted. I tried to reset the drive the same way like ctrlx core X3, but it doesn't seem to work and I can't establish any connection with it on XF10. The drive panel keeps showing F2901 error and the drive keeps flashing blinking red. Setup: Panel firmware: FWA-XD1-PAN-V-0118.00 System Image: Are the firmware and system image I used compatible with this demo kit? There don't seem to be any documentation on that... Attached are the folder generated after flashing.
  • Reference Absolute Encoder with drive Panel

    Has the function to reference an absolute encoder been added to the ctrlX drive panel? What manual do I look at to find out the functions of the ctrlX drive panel?
  • Active discharge in error mode. Is it possible?

    In an emergency stop event, is it possible to activate the active discharge mode somehow? This if for an eLion motor.
  • Keep drive in CM/PM after power on instead OM

    Hello, I'd like to keep the drive in CM/PM after power on and not switch to OM. Drive should go to OM if PLC (ctrlX) is ready and EtherCat running (in OP). In settings there is this: This is P-0-4088 but how to change it. With IndraDrive CS there was an option to switch but I don't see it in CtrlXDrive. Thanks again for help
  • RHB2-021DCB-NN suitable for MS2E03-D0BYN-CMSG0-NNNAN-NN ?

    Hello, Is the cable RHB2-021DCB-NN suitable for MS2E03-D0BYN-CMSG0-NNNAN-NN with XCS2-W0010ARN for ATEX application? The configurator offers such cable. It was described in R911394140, Edition 01 but no longer in R911394140, Edition 03. so I have doubts--> do we still provide cables in ATEX application with MS2E ?
  • Encoder initialization error with SSI / SinCos encoder on XG21 (secondary encoder)

    I am working on a project which uses a belt driven linear axis and a ctrlX drive (XCS2-W0023). The linear position of the axis is measured through a secondary encoder (IMS-C absolute with SSI and SinCos). We upgraded the drive firmware to 06V04 to allow the configuration of the secondary encoder with both SSI and SinCos (encoder type 26). We setup the encoder best we can by copying the configuration parameters from a working IndraDrive setup to the ctrlX. But we have not been able to get the drive operational. We got the following errors: As a workaround we setup the drive with SSI only. We can also run the drive with the encoder setup as SinCos. Only the combination SSI / SinCos does not work.
  • Setup_EAL_SDK-2500 LabView Version

    Can the EAL Library run on the 2014 version of LabView instead of 2021 version?
  • CtrlX DRIVE Selection

    Hello community, hope this message finds you well... I'm looking for a replace of the converter SLVD5NS from PARKER. I found an option in X C S 2 - W 0 0 1 0 A B N - 0 1 N E T T 0 E C N N - S 0 5 R S N 3 T X 1 N 0 N N but I think that it isn't available. Please let me know is that is a better option. Data sheet: This drive works with servomotor SMB8230037142I642. Thank you in advance,
  • Sales Update RM 24.11 - What's the new PasswortLevelConcept

    Please can you give me some information about the new PW level concept of the ctrlX DRIVE. Thanks
  • F8022 fault happening sporadically

    Hello, We are having the above fault, Encoder signal incorrect, happening frequently. We checked the electrical, EMC, etc. We also upgraded to firmware version AXS-0308 to AXS-0402 as the version notes mentioned there was some improvements on the fault behavior, but that did not help. The machine has seven axes, and only one is consistently having this fault. This is a gripper axis, so it moves with relatively high dynamics, slowing it down seems to help, but not a fix of coarse. Are there any other possible causes to this fault? I also remember there was a technical note about newer versions requiring new cable. Could someone please share the technical note? Thanks
  • XVE EtherCat control

    Hello, I have an application where I´m using CtrlX Core to control 5 axes. There is also a XVE. I configured the XVE and the drives with CtrlX IO (SOE). For the drives, I can insert other parameters in AT and MDT but for the power supply, I can´t. I would like to include S-0-0144 to be able to reset the error of the power supply through the PLC program. Is there any way to include other parameters in the real time channel of the Ethercat for power supply?
  • XMD2-W3030 A or bigger on dc bus of XCD2-W23-23

    Hi If dc bus of XCD2-W2323 is enough , could it be possible to install an XMD2-W3030 (or bigger) on the DC bus ? thanks
  • Reference travel direction inverted when homing

    Hello, Initial Details: ctrlX Drive Engineering 01V22.2 AXS-V-0308 XMD2-W1010ANN-02NETM5NNNN-S0308N2NNNN3NN Motor: MSD110A-0027-NN-CS-HR0-14-R-M409 Rotary, Absolute Our customer is experiencing strange behavior when attempting to home using Fixed Stop (Axis Blocking). When positive reference travel direction is selected, the motion direction moves in the negative direction. When negative reference travel direction is selection, the direction of travel results in the positive direction. However, what's interesting is negation is set correctly in mechanics and scaling, and this is proven when jogging the motor using easy startup mode (positive command = positive travel). Only homing is inverted in what is the expected direction of travel. I have a parameter file that I can share with other Bosch Rexroth team members. Customer is using Codesys SoftMotion for motion control, and this is behaving as expected. Only homing within Drive Engineering is where we're seeing this problem. Thank you.
  • Power on ctrlX Drives

    Hello, I'm working on a 3-axis rig (X, Y, Z). I can get the X-axis to Ab because it's powered by a supply drive XCS, but I can't do the same for the Y and Z axes. My approach has been to use an 'if power in OM, then auto-start' logic, passing the signal to Y and Z through the XG31 I/O using parameter S-240. However, I keep encountering the issue shown in the attached files. I tried overwriting the parameter, but it didn’t work. S-240 is also used in the MDT IO software. I attempted to delete it there and reassign it to the XG31 I/O in the drives, but that didn’t resolve the problem.
  • CtrlX drive Encoder Emulator

    Hi Do you Know if Cntrl X drive has Incremental encoder Emulator Output available? thank you.
  • Drive Diagram - Motor Documentation

    Hello All, I was looking in to the speed- torque diagram in the documentation. Could anyone please help me understand the Light blue dotted line and Dark blue dotted line in the drive diagram? Please find the screenshot below. I would also like to know why its is suddenly decreasing to zero at speed 4000 in first diagram ? if we had coupled the motor with the ctrlx Drive then I can understand that drive might restrict the motor performance but in this case why there is dotted blue lines. Thank you in advance for your answer.
  • XCD double axis drive Address offsets

    HI All, I'm using the XCD drive for the first time. In my case with a keba motioncontroller. THe drives are being recognized and set in operation mode by the controller. I have given both drives an address. As soons as I activate the address check in my motioncontroller project the drives are not recogized anymore. With the XCS single axis drive this wasn't an issue. I think I need to enter a different address offset since this is a double drive but I can't find the addresses in the help or on this forum.
  • DRIVElink with integrated core

    Hello, I have XCD drive with integrated ctrlx Core. I want to test drivelink functionality, but I have not been able to command slave axis from ab to Af. S135 must be included in the ethercat configuration, but I am unable to write to it. Using Motion app to access S135 is also not possible, because Motion app forces me to map S47 (Cyclic position control), which I want to read from the drivelink master axis instead of motion app. I tried to work around this by setting drive profile to Soe, bit 14 "drive enable" not evaluated and use P116 directly, without success. I suppose this would be easier, if I could change drive communication protocol to e.g sercos, but apparently this is not possible with the integrated core. Any suggestions which parameter I can use to set enable and how the master communication should be configured?
  • Does ctrlX Drive STO Safe torque off have also SBC (Safe Brake Control)

    In ctrlX drive we have T0 for STO. In Indradrive we had L# and L4 (L4 has also SBC). I dont find this in the ctrlX Safety STO manual. Does that mean that the holding brake wiring is not interupted bij the TO STO function. So it must be bossible to release the brake (over the function) while the drive is in STO ?
  • CtrlX drive - configuration

    Hello Team, I want to make a configruation with 90A ctrlX drive, i am a but confused but comparison with documentation and CtrlX configurator, could you please help me? Please find the screenshots from both the documentation and configurator, could you please suggest which configuration is available?
  • Single phase filter FN350-8-29 for XCS2-F

    Is there a manual that has information about the single phase filter FN350-8-29? What is the current rating? How many XCS2-F drives can we run on a single filter?
  • MC_TorqueControl of Twincat with ctrlx Drive

    Hello, One of our customers is using an MS2N04-B0BTN motor with an XCS2-W0023 drive to control an electric actuator via TwinCAT. The setup is in Torque Control mode to apply a constant force while limiting speed. However, when using MC_TorqueControl, the VelocityLimitHigh and VelocityLimitLow parameters aren’t respected, causing the motor to accelerate to max speed. Beckhoff recommended parameter P-0-0486 to add speed limits in the MDT (see attachment), but this parameter appears to be specific to Beckhoff drives. The customer also tried adding S-0-0038 and S-0-0039 (min/max speed) in MDT, but these don’t affect the MC_TorqueControl behavior, and the FB doesn’t support direct speed limit settings. Any insights on why these limits are ignored or suggestions for a workaround would be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  • F2816 Power Supply Softstart Error

    Hello support. We have an application with XCS / MS2N05 as a single axis. We can get to bb status ok but when we apply the mains voltage we get F2816 Power supply Softstart Error. The equipment is new and is being commissioned for the first time. At the moment i have deactivated the master communication so the drive runs upto bb(OM) on its own. the power supply is configured to autosoftstart if OM is achieved. i monitored the DCbus at parameter S-0-0380 and never saw the DCbus voltage rise at all even though the mains volatage was present. Any help is appreciated.
  • Offline help ctrlX Drive does not work

    I installed Offline help version 2.2.2. But when is start the Offline help directly I only get a empty page. When I activate it in drive engineering, see below. When I press the question mark I get the message below. This happend, I think, after my computer was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Before that it worked!
  • CtrlX Drive oscilloscope Recoding Time

    Hello All, I want to do a FRF manually in the drive by generating the noise from drive integrated signal generator and During this process I want to capture the data for 100s with 0.25ms time period but the drive oscilloscope in the drive won't allow me to take this mesasurement, Please refer to the image below, Could you please help me how I can perform this test? if its not possible from the drive could you please help me with other solutions? Thank you
  • Locking ctrlX Drive Display

    We have had issues with the IndraDrive where end users change the communication protocol with the drive display. We solved that issue by setting P-0-0680, bit 14 to 1. I see that P-0-0680 does not exist on the ctrlX Drive, is there an equivalent parameter or any plans to add an equivalent parameter?
  • What does it mean by A4003- Setting-up mode is active, and how can we remove this status.

    What does it mean by "A4003- Setting-up mode is active" status in the drive HCS02 while trying to run using software. and i would like to know how to remove this status and run the drive using software. thank you
  • How to get drive with torque(AF) status from one Digital output on drive.

    Hello there, I am trying to get Drive AF signal from Onboard Output on Drive. I have 6 DI and 1 DO. I did found one function named Axis state machine: Status word, axis (0x2802:02 / P-0-0115 / --). But, it use two bit(15/14) to get a signal. Do you have any other way around to get AF signal using one Digital output? We want to connect small led to digital output to get indication showing drive have torque. I do not have any additional IO on drive. I have attached some snap shot for your reference. Thank you in advance.
  • Drive Parameter Loading with the Drive Connect App

    I am investigating a feature involving a ctrlx core updating the parameters of a drive, given the drive has been replaced. I know this is to be done by the Drive connect app, but I'm struggling to find how exactly. I've searched through the forums and wasn't successful in finding someone using the drive connect app like this. My first thought was to pull the data of the serial numbers of the connected drives, and if that didn't match the last time the core had been booted up to write the parameters stored within the drive connect apps data locations to the drives by their ethercat position. I was able to load firmware and drive parameters to the drive connect app, but have been unable to querry what drives are actually connected. Is there an example or guide somewhere on how to do this? The drive connect apps manual explains how to do it all manually but not how to do it automatically, as it happening without much human intervention is best.
  • Stephen Otis

    Parameter manual in PDF format

    Hello, I see that some documentation for the ctrlX Drive is available in PDF format. But the parameter documentation appears to not be available. Is there another way to get the parameter documentation in PDF format?
  • Parameter set switching

    Hi, It seems that with indradrive it was possible to change gear ratio "on the fly" by changing parameter set. However, with ctrlX this doesn't seem possible anymore. I have an application that requires gear switching. Any suggestions on how to approach this with ctrlX drive?
  • where to download ctrlX DRIVE runtime and find release notes.

    Where can you download the firmware files or see the revision histories? I can't seem to find a download page directly from Google and I'm going in circles trying to navigate the website.
  • firmware update tab is disabled

    Hello, The firmware update tab is disabled on my drive, any idea what could be the reason? Also, where can we get access to the latest CtrlX Drive firmware? Thanks, Tamer Salem
  • Atacan.Yucel

    Guide to update CtrlX Drive with Core

    Hello All, Is there a guide, referance manual or something, regarding updating CtrlX Drive with Core? It looks like there is information everywhere, some are up to date, some aren't and I cant figure out what to do. I've a XCS2 Drive with Core but I cant find how to update it to work with 1.20 or 2.6 versions of CtrlX Works. In Docs, in some link it shows compatible firmware versions for works, in some other link it shows which can be used for which drive, which I couldn't find mine, etc. In How-To page, firmware is only shown for drive, not for core. So in summary, is there a guide which I couldn't find, or a simple explanation how to do it? Thank you very much for your support.