Our application has a ctrlX XMD, using one axis now with an MS2N motor and using one axis for a future axis that does not have a motor connected yet. The axis that is used has a motor and is using SafeMotion. I found this post that seems to say that it is not possible to disable the second half if the first axis is using SafeMotion:
Drives_Uwe - can you confirm this (did I understand it correctly)?
Do you have a recommendation for how to address this situation? Is it possible to configure it some other way, such as an Asynchronous drive that is not actually connected? Is it possible to take the drive out of one of the EtherCAT, SafeMotion, or PLC applications such that the second half is ignored? Another solution is not using SafeMotion on the first axis for now, but this is not preferred if there is another way.
We are using a C15 controller for the safety controller along with a XCS drive powering two XMDs over the DC Bus from teh XCS. For now, we need 4 axes. In the future, we will need 5.