Invalid parameters : Can't switch to PM Mode

Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to simulate a motor on Ctrl X Drive. I applied the drive database parameters to our eLion motor but I'm having trouble switching to parameter mode due to some "invalid parameters". Maybe it's because of my lack of experience using this software so i would gladly accept any help. For example, the P-0-01777.0.0 states that it "cannot be interpreted by customers. They are used by service and development personnel for diagnostic purpose"  

Can I get some orientation in adjusting these parameters? Thanks in advance. I'm attaching my parameter file.


Best reply by Drives_Uwe

Please functionally enable the drive for Safe Motion:

In the setup used by me I can switch to operation mode "OM", see:


But you may need at least one time a proper superior control connected to your device, then switch to "Operational" (OP) and save your parameter settings. Then you can play with "offline" simulation for the parameterization.



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