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how to access the remanent memory from outside the PLC

how to access the remanent memory from outside the PLC

Long-established Member

Are there any new Informations how to access the remanent memory from outside the PLC (read and write) - maybe from Node-RED?


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Moved to own topic from this one.

In C++ it is enough do define the variable as persistent and then use standard create node function. If there is already a datum available (e.g. after reboot), you will get back the value of it.

For Node-RED writing own persistent data the easiest way to use the active configuration(app data) as a file based storage. See this topic.
Reading the persistent data created in the PLC works like reading any other variable.

You could also use "helper apps" like the KVD (KeyValueDatabase) app coming up with next release or a self created app to give you an interface for creating own data layer nodes and so persistent data.
