Hello everyone, I encountered the following issue:
Used software :
- ctrlX CORE Virtual image version 2.40
- NodeRED RED-V-0204.0+3.1.0-ctrlx
After enabling the proxy tool (Px.exe) and configuring the proxy settings (ctrlX Core Virtual -> Settings -> Proxy) NodeRED web app displays the message: The app is currently not available. I waited for 10+ minutes, refreshed the page but I got the same message.
However, when I disable the proxy settings (ctrlX Core Virtual -> Settings -> Proxy). NodeRed starts flawlessly. However, since I am connected to a corporate WiFi network, I do not have any internet access in the ctrlX Core.
Note: I managed to resolve the issue by downgrading to a lower version of the:
- CtrlX Core Virtual image version 1.20.9
- NodeRED RED-V-120.0+3.0.2-ctrlx