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Core Doesn't work when it's on the network

Core Doesn't work when it's on the network

Established Member

Hello everyone,

i work with the core in our company network, because our Mqtt broker only runs on the company network.

I have the IP static, and the DHCP off.unfortunately this does not work well for long.The Node Red app, for example, accesses the Mqtt broker in the company network.this only works for a short time.After that, the core no longer works and must be restarted.I tried to operate the core without a company network, it works there without any problems.

How can I solve the problem with the network? 


Long-established Member

I had this issue to in our corparate network. After a lot of debudding I found this was cause by using both XF10 (ETH0) and XF51 (ETH1) network ports and having a defafault gateway assinged to both ports. I only needed IP routability on the port connected to the corparate network and therfore removed the default gateway from the other port. If you need routability on both port I assume you can reach this by defing the correct routes in the routing tab including the desired metric.

My assumption is the OS gets confused with the 2 default gateways and sometimes tries to communicate over the wrong network interface. If you only use 1 interface make sure it has a default gatway and remove any static IP of the other interface.

Established Member

Hello @Marc_Smaak 

Thank you for your answer.I assigned the IP statically and also entered our gateway of the fierwall.


the eth1 interface is not connected.


to my wiring of the network,I go from the XF10 to a switch and my PC and the network also go to this switch

Long-established Member

It looks okay to me, only suggestion I have is to check your PC IP settings opening a command prompt and giove the command ipconfig /all

This should should show the default gateway and subnetmask (e.g. /24) 

If all correct you could run MQTT explorer on your PC and connect to the broker to see if this connection is stable. If yes I see no reason the ctrlX core would not be able to keep this connection other than a faulty RJ45 cable.

Long-established Member

Sorry subnetmask should have been (NOT I annotedit my message anymore probably beacuse it is marked as an answer
