I am working with the network settings under the Connectivity section. I have eth0 setup as a static IPv4 address and I stayed connected to it throughout this test. I modified the settings for eth1 and observed some strange behavior. I attached a video to show what I see. At the beginning of the video, there is no cable on eth1. At the 00:20 mark in the video, I plug eth1 into a network router that is a IPv4/IPv6 DHCP server.
One problem seems to be that the radio button for "Interface Enabled" does not "stick". It always defaults back to enabled. It does not seem possible to disable this radio button. Once moving off the dialog and back, it is always enabled.
Another problem seems to be that an IPv6 address is assigned by the server even though the DHCP enabled settings for IPv4 and IPv6 are disabled. (01:17 in the video).
It seems that the only way to truly disable the port is to turn off the "Interface managed" radio button.
Is this interface working as intended or am I missing the intent of the controls?