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server connection issue windows

server connection issue windows

New Poster


Im using the webIQ designer app version, 1.15.7 and have some trubble when starting up the program.

I have some connection issues when starting up the webiq..  




This is a designer with a PC license

Does any one have a solution to my problem?

It does work when Its connected to the core, though.. 

The issue is when I start the program in the windows..


Frequent Contributor

Please provide connect.log

Hello and thank you for the response..

sorry, where can I find the connection.log?

Frequent Contributor

Usually in %PROGRAMDATA%\WebIQ\connect.log, unless you changed the path.

Please note that when using WebIQ Designer without being connected to ctrlX directly you'll need an additional WebIQ Designer subscription, however a lack of a license would not cause this issue.

Here is the connection log

Frequent Contributor

This is a known issue and caused by your system language. This will be fixed with WebIQ 2.16.
For the time being please follow these instructions:

"To configure your app to render UTF-8 text via GDI, go to Windows Settings > Time & language > Language & region > Administrative language settings > Change system locale, and check Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support. Then reboot the PC for the change to take effect."

These log entries indicate the issue: 
[2024-09-10 06:56:16.061074] [ fatal | worker-pool] Worker executor has thrown an unhandled nlohmann::json_abi_v3_11_2::detail::type_error exception.
[2024-09-10 06:56:16.061074] [ fatal | worker-pool] System stability is compromised. Please report this issue at
[2024-09-10 06:56:16.061074] [ fatal | worker-pool] what(): [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 6: 0x72


(Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support)


I´ll send the Connect.log again...

Frequent Contributor

Can you please explain what kind of issue you have? Does it work now? Does it not work? Did you reboot?

Hi, the issue continues.. I have rebooted a feew times and the WebIQ gets stuck like you see down bellow..


What should I do in this matter? 

Publish and return to the projectlist?

Discard end return to the projectlist?

Frequent Contributor

Actually, from what I see the issue has been resolved. Now you're only facing a semi-loaded HMI in the workspace. Please discard the project from the workspace and load it again.

This window appears...


If i press ok then i goes back to the previous page..


If i press Hard Reset...


If i press apply then it also brings me to the previous page...

Frequent Contributor

If you're getting into a "Hard Reset" loop please do the following:
- stop WebIQ Server service in the Windows Services panel
- rename C:\ProgramData\WebIQ\WebIQ Projects\.workspace to C:\ProgramData\WebIQ\WebIQ Projects\.workspace.old
- create a new directory C:\ProgramData\WebIQ\WebIQ Projects\.workspace
- rename %APPDATA%\webiq-designer\workspace to %APPDATA%\webiq-designer\workspace.old
- create a new directory %APPDATA%\webiq-designer\workspace
- start WebIQ Server service again

This should fix the issue. Please note that this is caused by the unplanned stopping of the server that will be fixed with WebIQ 2.16 and is not normal behavior.
