screens do not update simultaneously

Hello everyone,

I use several screens in my system to control the system. When the user touches screen A or swipes the tabs, the information is updated in the background and screen A shows the current and correct information. Unfortunately, the view on screen B is not updated because the last actions were on screen A. This is irritating for the operator and can lead to errors during operation. How can this problem be solved? I am thinking of displaying a pop-up or something similar. In this case, a pop-up would appear on screen B with the text ‘Attention display is currently being used by another access point’ if screen A was the last to be touched. And vice versa, the display would appear on screen A when screen B is touched. Are there any tools offered by WebIQ to solve this problem? Or is there a feature with which I can distinguish which screen is currently active, i.e. was the last screen touched?

Kind regards.

Best reply by HmiGuide

1. synchronous display on all screens. 

  • Primary problem is:
    When changing the displayed page on device1 from page1 to page2 all other devices/clients should change to page2.
    That's easy to implement. Each panel (Panel,Swipe-Panel,Tab-Panel)  in WebIQ has an Item field (Green frame in pic), where you have to insert an item. Thats all.


  • Subsequent error is inappropriate data on the other devices/clients.
    The description of the subsequent error was misleading. 
    I'm not sure, is there a 2nd problem or not?
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