SDK source / ZeroMQ communication

Hello !

This post is related to the ctrlX DevelopR Challenge.

I'm trying to write a python library to interact with the controller in pure python (so without the SDK which is a python wrapper).
I also figured out the SDK only works on Linux systems (or Windows using the WSL) so that library could help to make the apps more portable.

As far I could see, the SDK use the ports 2069 and 2070.
Using nmap I figured out a ZeroMQ server is listening on these ports.
I tried to snif the packets using Wireshark but the communication is encrypted with TLS (I found some funny words in there ... Maybe an Easter egg ?!)

On GitHub, I didn't found the source code of the SDK.
Any chance for you to release it ?
Or could you briefly explain how the ZeroMQ communication works ? Which commands are sent for authentication and then to manipulate the datalayer ?

Is the SDK used to obfuscate this part ?

Thanks for reading,

Best reply by DaEwe

Okay, shame on me,  I can't reconstruct the error in my minimal example, client and provider run flawlessly in the same thread. 

I will dig a little bit deeper to find out whats going wrong in the testing framework..

With best,


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