Cloning the sdk from GitHub

I was trying to clone the SDK from Github to the App Build environment.

Using the command ./ does not work, as apparently github blocked the company IP-Adress due to too many requests. See the error message below:



{"message":"API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)","documentation_url":""}

This error happens often because a proxy server is used.
In this case github registered a hugh number of requests from the same machine.

Continue or exit c/e?"


I then tried using the gh command to clone the github repo directly, however i keep getting the following message: 

"Usage: gh repo [OPTIONS] USER_REPO
Try "gh repo --help" for help.

Error: Got unexpected extra argument (boschrexroth/ctrlx-automation-sdk)"


What other ways can I use to copy the sdk into the app build environment?





Best reply by CodeShepherd

You can also download the SDK from the releases and unpack it to your development environment.

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