XM 21 didn't get into BB on sercos with a ctrlX drive

I have been testing a XMD with a XM21 on sercos. looked like there is communication issue between XM21 and XMD on sercos. Indraworks used was V15 and CtrlX drive engineering was V118.1. no matter I powered up the drive first or XM first. the XM always stayed at P2. the power control of the drive was setup as below and wired BB to XG31.3 and use XG31.8 to turn on the power for second axis.

the only way to turn on drive to AB was to manually switch the sercos to BB without a program. there was no error showed.


is that normal or did I miss any setting caused this issue?

your help is appreciated.



Best reply by yulix

Hello Jesse,

Usually the synchronisation error is because the drive is not in the correct state. Here it seems that the prolem is somewhere else. I would try to stick to the latest firmware. If S-0-0425 is the only problem then I would write this parameter and  switch the system after successful writting on it  with ImcCtrl. This is a workaround. I cannot reproduce the problem since I do not have the same Hardware. I would recommand to report this to your Bosch Rexoth local  support. Hope this helps.


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