We receive a JSON payload from an overhead system, every 15 minutes, via AWS MQTT. We receive this payload via the FB "AWS_IOT.AWSIoTSubscribe". Well, we noticed that several times a day, the payload coming in has one brace too many at the end resulting in invalid JSON structure and thus cannot be parsed. We can reproduce this error message. We have a payload that 100% of the time is sent as Valid JSON from AWS and comes in on the subscribe FB as Invalid JSON (1 curly brache to many at the end). And this while there are no additional process steps in the payload route.
We are using the CodeSyS IIOT libarary ( CORE version: 1.20, PLC App 1.20.3, CodeSyS version .
See attachment: the left text is recieved as string on our PLC side en the right text is being send by the AWS broker.
Kind regards