Using Torque Op mode with SMC_SetControllerMode change CMD parameters


If I change to smc_torque in the "SMC_SetControllerMode" function block the cmd of the position, velocity and torque changes constantly and I cannot find a way to change it,


It seems that the force/control mode is selected in the Drive but then the CMD of the parameters are updated

I only have one drive with softmotion and I changed the mapping of the variables but the problem still persists,

How can this be solved?

Many thanks,

Best reply by LiuPengfei


The error in description file will fixed in next release of adaption package.

Yes, the error in description file may lead switching torque mode work incorrectly.

If you don't wait for next release, you can edit the decription file manually and reintall it in deveice repository.

There should be 2 changes:

<Parameter ParameterId="8040" type="std:INT">
  <Attributes channel="none" download="true" functional="false" offlineaccess="read" onlineaccess="read"/>
  <Name name="localStrings:out.dwSetTorque">


<Parameter ParameterId="8540" type="std:INT">
  <Attributes channel="none" download="true" functional="false" offlineaccess="read" onlineaccess="read"/>
  <Name name="localStrings:in.dwActPosition">

Thank you!

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