Hello everyone,
Iam observing troubles with Codesys SoftMotion Interpolator. It interpolates one line again and again. It is stuct on objectNo = 1, and interpolator This takes place when file is interpreted into SMC_OutQueue (using FBs: SMC_ReadNCFile2, SMC_NCInterpreter, SMC_CheckVelocities).
When the same NC code copied into Codesys CNC program (within the PLC project), then the program runs without any trouble.
Tested NC Code:
N5 G00 X20 Y20 Z20
N10 G00 X0 Y0 Z0
N20 G01 X100 F10
N30 G01 Y50
N35 G03 X50 Y100 R50
N40 G01 X0
N50 G01 Y0
N60 G00 Z50
N70 M30
Project attached ctrlX PLC Engineering version 1.20.6, WORKS version 1.20.8
I wasted lots of time investigating, but still have no clue what to check. Has anybody ever faced this issues? I would really appreciate any hint.