Error while using CODESYS softomotion to program an axis

While trying to create a simple program to jog an axis using CODESYS softmotion stumbled acros a error (SMC_ERORR.SMC_REGULATOR_OR_START_NOT_SET; represents raw value 20). According to the internet this means: Controller enable not done or brake applied. What can i do to solve this problem? The inverter and the motors work when enabling them by hand using the motion app on the ctrlX CORE.

CtrlX Drive inverter: W2323
Motor: MS2N04
Softmotion version: 4.12
Softmotion adaption version: 1.16
PLC app version: 1.16

Best reply by bostroemc

I'm not sure what is wrong.  Have you configured the I/O mapping of the DataLayer nodes as described in the attached guide (pg. 8-14)?  Also, have you configured the bus cycle task for each axis?  

Softmotion on ctrlX CORE_HowTo.pdf
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